Follow-up on assignments: what works & what doesn't?

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    I think your school room is perfect for how you do things. You have your desk right there, a comfy chair in a corner where you can sit and read….all while being right there with your children, monitoring and helping. I love your school room!


    I have an assignment sheet for each of my 2 elementary students, which I made in Excel.  If you want to see it, send me a pm with your email. This is for their independent work.  I also have one I use for family and things I need to do with each of them.  I also have “grade papers” on my list.  When they finish a subject like coywork or math practice sheets, they have to come to me to grade it right away so they can make corrections right away.  They do this whether I am sitting there or in the next room cooking or doing laundry…

    I used to have them give it to me at the end of the day and it would pile up and it was hard for me to make the time to grade them.  Then when I wanted corrections, they had to go over it again to refresh their memory.  It is more time efficient to get them graded and corrected right away.


    Thank you, Mrs. K! I love it too! Unfortunately, but also fortunately, we are selling our home! We have found our dream property (house on 10 acres with greenhouse, barn, chickens and more!) and are already under contract on it! It does not have a schoolroom! 🙁 We are toying with a couple of ideas, because after having this one I honestly don’t know if I can live without one! Either add on to the house on the north side, or buy a cute outdoor building, insulate, heat and cool it and put it right outside the back door.


    A greenhouse? Wow! That would be pretty cool!


    We have a school room but it is upstairs and WAY to cold to be in there this cold winter. We tried heating it with a heater but it doesn’t hardly get to 50 on the really cold days, so we are at the dining room table and where ever they want down stairs. I have had to stop trying to do things on computer while the kids are doing math. All I do is sit and help whoever needs help and have my Kindergartener do things at this time too. My kids are in 5th, 4th, 3rd and K. I give them a lot of time to do math (over 30min) and then we do other things. We dont always do the same thing every day in same order. After lunch while they clear table and do other chores, I correct their math and look over copywork etc, and I give them about 30 minutes of free time and then they have to do their corrections. Which I usually have to sit right there the whole time for. This takes a LOT of time and I am hoping that as they get older they won’t require my help so much and that will free me up to do other things. But right now I feel this is the important thing to do. It isn’t like this everyday and I did get out of the routine this fall as we had to move but am now back into it and it is going well.

    As far as the loose papers, they have folders to keep certain papers in and each have a box but it still is all scattered all over the house until I personally hand it to them and get them to put it away.

    And I dream of the day when I can have a school room downstairs and a greenhouse!


    I have enjoyed reading through this post.  don’t have much to add other than Lindsey I think the little schoolhouse out back is just cute!!  Especially on a farm!! How fitting.  I have been reading your blog post and I KNEW you were moving when you posted the pics of this house.  Praying for a quick sale.  Can’t wait to see pics.


    How funny that you knew, Amy! It was so sudden for us that we’re still doing a double-take and pinching ourselves to make sure it’s real! We’ve waited a long time for something like this to come along, and we couldn’t be happier. The home on the property needs quite a lot of work, and it’s much smaller than our current home. But I’m looking forward to simplifying even more, getting rid of more stuff, having another garage sale, and living our dream. We are looking at something like this as a school room option: or this: Look at the fourth one down to see my favorite. 

    This has been a great discussion! I especially loved hearing all of your creative ideas for keeping your little chickadees busy and happily working. 


    I love it!!!


    Thanks for the links, Lindsey.  I’m going to show DH the chicken coop.  We need to have a different set up for ours.  That’s similar to what I had in mind.

    I adore those little sheds/houses for your schoolroom, Lindsey, and love that one you said was your favorite! Oh could you imagine just having a little “getaway” in the backyard like that, or a place anyone could go when then need to be alone to focus, ponder, etc. — all in addition to being a cute area for school?? Sounds like a dream to me. The only possibly downside might be how books would get divided up between the house and school areas, although that has potential strengths about it too.

    On following-up: so many great replies! Seriously, this thread has been a blessing to me. Practical ideas and descriptions coupled with some thought-provoking insights. I have been thinking about all of this quite a bit. 

    Today and yesterday I’ve really tried to pay attention to tendencies on my part to “wander away” (whether physically or mentally) from being accessible, watching over shoulders, etc. And while it wasn’t horrible by any means, I have to say that it happened more than I would’ve expected compared to just recollecting how many days go. And I know that I used to be much better at that, so that’s definitely a problem that I need to address. 

    I also explained to my kids about how I want really try to do follow-up differently and we talked a bit about what that will look like. One of them reminded me of a magnetic organizer we have so we repurposed it for a place for them to put their papers if I’m not able to do it immediately. One day into it, it’s working. lol  OK, so that’s not very impressive but time will tell and I feel like we’re scooting over back on the path where we need to be. 🙂

    Also I’ve been thinking about some different uses for my proclick for some smaller groupings of papers. It’s funny, I can’t stand loose papers, yet I feel like I can’t use the proclick for just a little pack of 10 or so papers. Why not?? The bindings are reuseable, so what am I possibly out? Anyway, I haven’t really got that together yet, but over the next few days I will get that going. 

    You ladies a wonderful! 


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