We are two weeks from our move to FL from Ohio. I have been thinking about outside safety. We live in rural farm country in Ohio. My children run and play outside constantly, usually barefoot in the summer, and no living creature is safe from their perusal. They catch grass snakes, have observation containers for bugs, etc.
Pretty much the worst thing that can happen out here is getting stung by a bee or sprayed by a skunk. We also check for ticks after being in the woods.
I have a bad memory of being 5 years old in Georgia and standing on a fire ant nest by accident.
I was wondering if any of you who live in Florida or the general south have any outside safety recommendations. I’m usually not a paranoid person at all, but I am cringing at the thought of the obvious dangers of the new things we have to deal with. Our new place has a canal in the back and my husband already had to deal with a large snake who had taken up residence in our courtyard.
Tips on how to teach my children to be safe outside are appreciated.
it is important to tell the if it is a poisionous snakes. Canals in floridia are notorious for aligators – especially farther down south. For the most part those are the two things I would be most concerned about. Snakes are much more prevalant in the heat down here, especially around water.
We are thinking to move to Florida too! My husband is going to look at houses next week sometime. I didn’t even think about the snakes, yikes! I guess you need to avoid tale grass..
Not just tall grass, snakes love to sunbath, especially in the spring time :). Watch anything near water. But you also can’t live in fear. If your kids are in your back yard often and act like most kids – noisy and such – they most often will stay away. Fire ants are a big deal, but honesly mosquiteos are the absolute worse!!!! I hate hate hate them!!
Hey there – congratulations on your move to Florida! It is a great place to live!
We lived there for 5 years, and these are the things I would caution you about:
1. We did encounter some alligators near our bay. They sometimes wander into neighborhoods that back up to the water, so if you are fortunate enough to live in a waterfront home (or if you are taking a walk in one) be careful about your kids and dogs/cats! I once encountered a gator while jogging in the early morning – gave me a good reason to quit jogging :).
2. FIRE ANTS! KEEP A SPRAY BOTTLE OF 1 PART BLEACH to 3 PARTS WATER IN YOUR MEDICINE CABINET! Spray it on the bites IMMEDIATELY – it takes out the sting and keeps them from forming a painful and itchy head. And treat your yard with the granules at least once a month…not once a season, as they recommend. You do actually get accustomed to the bites – the first ones will be the most painful.
3. We had a friend who lived in a neighborhood with the tall pine trees and her preschooler encountered a bobcat in the fenced backyard. You just have to realize that there will be wild creatures even in neighborhoods. Keep a good eye on your kiddos!
On the plus side, the people are WONDERFUL, the scenery is WONDERFUL, the weather is…well, WONDERFUL! We miss it, despite all the ‘wild things’. Have fun!
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