Five Flavors of Homeschooling video

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  • Jordan Smith

    We just uploaded a new video called Five Flavors of Homeschooling to our YouTube channelIn this half-hour workshop, Sonya explains the five main styles of homeschooling, then walks you through some questions to help you choose a style that will work best for your family. She also talks about her reasons for choosing the Charlotte Mason method. It’s a great video to share with friends who are new to homeschooling or wondering if homeschool is right for them.



    Can’t wait to watch!

    Is this part of the new set?? 



    Jordan Smith

    Is this part of the new set??

    This is a general homeschooling workshop that we’re making available online for free, so it won’t be included in the new Learning and Living set, which is specifically about the Charlotte Mason method. Sonya will also be presenting Five Flavors of Homeschooling at several homeschool conventions this year.


    How wonderful! I will share in my homeschool group now! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I keep trying to convey how wonderful CM is and I just get blank stares from other mothers. They say they have read about it and it seems too hard. I pray that this video will shed even more light on CM methods for the childrens’ sake.

    Sharing the Learning and Living Trailer as well! 

    I can’t wait for Sonya to come to Houma, LA in October! I am in Baton Rouge and cannot wait to be able to attend this conference. 


    Nice!  I’m glad this will be available to share. 

    I wish Sonya was coming closer to New England.  That’s OK, though.  We have these wonderful resources.  Thank you so much for sharing them!



    I just have to say that this is the most graceful video about the various homeschooling methods I’ve ever seen!  I’ve heard so many speakers claim that their particular method is The Best method, or even The Most/ONLY Truly Christian method out there. 

    Thank you, Sonya, for sharing this peaceful peaceful message with ALL homeschoolers.




    Just saw the video and it was most imformative.  I came out with 6 L’s, 2 U’s, and 2 N’s.  Watch the video and see what that means!  I also LOVED the jewelry she was wearing during the video and following previews.  Very natural!


    Graceful and charming, indeed! And now when someone asks me why I use CM methods, I can cheat and ask them to watch the last ten minutes of the video. 🙂 Nicely done, as always. The SCM team is first class. The spirit of God certainly is apparent in all that they do. Kindness dominates instead of homeschool style rivalry. It’s so refreshing because parents can be so defensive of their own “flavor.” 🙂 CM methods have certainly become a heartfelt pursuit in our household.

    Doug Smith

    And now when someone asks me why I use CM methods, I can cheat and ask them to watch the last ten minutes of the video.

    We were hoping the video would be useful for that and for helping us all develop good answers to that question. Even if you’re a veteran homeschooler and don’t need help choosing a style of homeschooling, it may be worth watching the last part.

    You can use this link to jump right to that part of the video.


    Very enjoyable and informative video – thanks SCM team!


    Doug, thank you for the direct link to speed up my cheating. :)))) I love it. That’s funny stuff. :)))


    I agree, Becca!  Sonya was so very balanced in her description of the other styles.  Just texted a friend who was trying to understand the CM style better.  Smile

    To Sonya, and the rest of the SCM team…it is you and this incredible forum that have drawn me back to SCM.  We’ve been using a smorgasborg of things this year and getting the emails and blog entries kept drawing me back.  I realized that a wonderful forum along with a company that encourages and supports its customers/families with their own products of homeschooling books, downloads, blog entries and videos are all very high priority for my success as a homeschooler.  I think I had let some fears of homeschooling the high school years get the best of me, pulling me away from a method that I have always loved.  I can’t wait to get all my SCM supplies for our coming fall year!

    Thank you again, Sonya and SCM staff!!!


    This was great. It will be so nice to send this to friends who don’t know what they want yet.

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