Fitting Second Child into the Rotation

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  • amyjane

    I will start my 1st grader with History Module 1 and 106 days of creation in the fall.  I want my 4 year old to also do a year of the 106 days of Creation but if I wait until he is doing Module 1 it will be in his 5th grade year.  So I guess my question is do I wait until then to take him through 106DoC or do I do it earlier and not wait to do it with Module 1 of History.  And if I do that what would I do with my older child that year?  I hope this makes sense.


    We are doing 106 Days right now, and my 4yo just listens right along. I started with her keeping a Creation Notebook, but she didn’t really care about it, so we stopped. I know she’s learning and picking up on things. After we finish 106 Days, I plan on doing it again later on down the road, but going more in depth. I figure she’ll get whatever she missed the next time around.

    As far as Module 1 goes, I have been asking this very same question. It always seems like the younger children get the short end of the stick when they have to follow whatever schedule the eldest child is on. I’ve been thinking about doing American history for the first part of next year and then finishing the year out w/ Module 1. Still haven’t decided though. 

    Hope that first part was helpful!



    We did mod 1 and 106 Days this year with my 7 year old and my 4 year old who turned 5 last week.  She is keeping a creation notebook and is able to listen and participate very nicely.  It is so gentle that your 4 year old could probably keep up just fine and you can determine the amount of work put into a notebook depending on your child’s ability/desire.  I may do 106 Days again in a few years as we have younger children to put into the rotation at some point.  I will just have to see a few years down the road where everyone is at.  Our 4 year old also participated at her ability with mod 1 and the two books fit together very nicely.  You can obviously do what works best for you, but we are finishing a great year with what you are suggesting for your next year.  Our next year science will be mostly living books (I have the courage to try this b/c of 106 Days) with supplemental activities and mod 2.  I wish scm had science modules for 1-6.  Best wishes with your upcoming year!


    You could always start the younger one in the first module. For me, it’s not too bad doing different history with each child.

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