Fitting in non western culture books

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    I really want to fit in books from year 5 Sonlight and HUFI. But I can’t devote a whole year to it. Do any of you wonderful planners on here know a way I can work a little in each year? I guess I need specifics like what and how, lol.


    You could plan a subject called “Non-Western Studies” and select one book from the HUFI or Sonlight list to read each term. I would imagine you could do this from about 4th grade on if you have strong readers; earlier if you are reading the books aloud.



    I have a general idea, but what does non western history consist of?


    Could you follow the curriculum guide for geography and include more books for the non-Western sections? For example, if you are mapping Asia could you include more books about Asia?



    When I was in college (a long time ago) Non-Western studies covered the history of the continents of Asia and Africa. China, India, and the Middle East generally get a large amount of time. I would think you could include Australia and S. America too.



    Not having the list of books in front of me, I can’t be more specific, but here are some thoughts:

    Have a fun summer focus without the stress of all subjects. You wouldn’t get into huge detail if you covered all the civilizations in one summer, but you could do some interest-provoking stuff like:  

    Schedule a country/civilization for a certain amount of time (like two weeks or something):

    Read the books, find a YouTube video about something that correlates, check out a crafty type book and let your littles create something.

    At the end of the two weeks, have a special ethnic dinner/party with the crafts as decorations and everyone has a minute in the spotlight to share what they learned, and mark things on a time line or Book of Centuries as they present their thoughts and ideas.

    That way you can have all the kiddos involved and perhaps do something fun that normally you wouldn’t get done in the regular school day.

    Or make passports and visit the places – again by placing time frames on the civilizations:

    I printed a passport cover and put it in a 3-ring binder. In that binder are dividers of each continent with maps.

    As we study each country we are placing a stamp and date on the map to show that they were “there”.  

    As we read, we create notebooking pages for each one (written and drawn narrations, photos, etc) to place behind their maps.

    They like this and it is a fun record for geography. 


    I plan on doing this too. I plan on using MFW ECC with books from SL & HUFI. It will be labeled as geography. We will do it at the lunch table instead of during school time. So we won’t be doing any of the notebooking/writing involved. There will just be a lot of looking at maps and reading. I am not really planning it out. I will just read the guide and slowly follow it. I am writing in where the SL & HUFI books go. If it takes us 4 years to complete it I am ok with that. I too want to read all those great books but don’t want to take a whole year of history to do it.


    Thank you all 🙂 I will try figuring it out by spreading it out.

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