First Habits/Skills…


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  • I have a question to ask, but am not sure how to plainly state what I mean! 🙂 So, I’m going to just throw it all out in a jumble and hope you intelligent moms can help me anyway!

    My dd is 2.5. We want to homeschool her. As you all know/do, she learns many things everyday, but obviously as she gets older I want to begin focusing our learning. I would like to make a “calendar” of sorts for the next year that focuses on different important habits and/or skills. I’d like to put off our official “school” stuff a little longer (though I’d REALLY enjoy beginning now :)- so much fun stuff to do…), but would like to begin helping shape her into the little girl God wants her to be.

    So, my question: What habits/skills would you consider first on your “to-do” list? What do you wish you’d done earlier on with your children? What are you doing now that is working?

    We currently are working with her to say, “Yes/No Ma’am/Sir” instead of “YEP!” (We’re Texans and are proud of it, but some of our language comes out a little rough I’m afraid! 🙂 )

    Also, I’m working on the issue of – if you ask someone to pick something (flavor sucker, color of hat, etc.), you must give them the one THEY pick. If you would rather choose for them, offer it to them first instead of asking their preference.

    Anyway…I’m eager to hear/read your responses

    Thank you!

    Lesley Letson

    Have you seen the Laying Down the Rails book by Sonya (and the dvd too)? It is VERY helpful in habits training. My children are still very young also, but I wish I had read all of that from the beginning. Also the first volume of CM’s writings has a lot to say about younger children and things you can do with them (Home Education). I would highly recommend both of those for ideas. Some of the most mentioned habits, and what seems like most people start with are the habits of attention, obedience, and truthfulness (and this isn’t just outright lying) – there are a lot of fun things mentioned to help train these habits. I would maybe start there as far as habits go.

    As far as skills, there are so many things you can teach them at that age – without any type of pressure or formal school. When my oldest son was that age we started keeping a calendar (he was verbal very early, and this made a big difference) and very gently learned the days of the week and numbers. We did a LOT of puzzles, board games appropriate to the younger ages, counted everything and went higher as he got it, we started on letter names and sounds with alphabet magnets, we sorted an organized (mostly the mountains of toys) into categories, folded laundry (that can be interesting), colored (you can start mixing colors), stickers and pasting, painting, planting things, plenty of time outside, and read, read, and read some more. These all sound like fun playing things but a lot of your basic skills can be taught this way. I think then is when we really started going to the library regularly also. I would pick a different animal (or he would sometimes) each time to read about and check out several books on that along with whatever else the topic of the week seemed to be.

    I hope this helps and I look forward to the other responses – I have two 2 year olds coming right behind my oldest, I’d love some new ideas 🙂


    I regret that I didn’t teach ds, now 5, to dress himself earlier. I need to look up what 2yr olds can do and begin teaching dd.

    Thanks for the suggestions!

    Mjemom – we do a lot of the things you talk about (and have a lot of fun doing it! 🙂 ), and dd is also very verbal for her age ( I think she my lag a tad in the physical skills department, but I have recently seen a jump there too [like being able to CLIMB!]) We are dedicated members of our library’s StoryTime and totally look forward to that time each week. DD prefers to sleep with books over dolls – which I think is hilarious! 🙂

    Nerakr – I’ve recently thought about this too, as we hope to begin ttc baby #2 soon. I already have her pull up/off things like her underwear and skirt, but haven’t yet started things like shirt…that may be a good thing to work on.

    Thanks to both of you!

    Lesley Letson

    argh! Climbing!!! One of my 2yo twins is a climber – I did not have this the first time around – I am not a fan! (but glad the other twin doesn’t) 🙂

    Well, up to this point I’d not even worried about it; she was too afraid…but a couple of weeks ago, I look up and she’s climbing the slide ladder, on top of the kitty condo outside, into a friend’s playfort and into their top bunk! AKKK! That can’t be my dd! But it was…they like to keep us guessing don’t they! 🙂

    Lesley Letson

    oh dear – that makes me laugh trying to picture it! my son figured out how to escape his crib, that is the biggest offense I have to date. I will find him on top of the table occasionally. We had to put our first son in a big boy bed at 18 mo. b/c of the twin pregnancy (he was a big boy and I could no longer pick him up), I was hoping to keep them in until at least 3….it’s looking grim…. 🙂

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