First grade reading question about "Days go by" – which level? Do I need the workbook and

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Beginning Reading First grade reading question about "Days go by" – which level? Do I need the workbook and

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  • Charis


    My daughter will be 6 this fall and can read most beginning reader books (Dr. Seuss, fancy nancy type stuff).  I’d like to have her use the Days go by Readers but wondered which level to start with.  Also, do I need the corresponding workbooks and manuals?

    Thank you!


    At you can open the book and look at the samples. I never use their workbooks, just the readers. We really liked the Rod and Staff readers at this level, too. Hope that helps some!


    I would skip the workbooks and manuals as well…it’s mostly busywork.  First Steps, Days Go By and More Days Go By are suggested for 1st grade.


    Thank you both!  I didn’t realize I could look at the samples on their website.  Much appreciated. 

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