I had been planning to use Drawing with Children this year for ds6, but am backing off of it for a couple more years.
I want to do some more formal art instruction, in addition to artist study (Audubon, Monet and Cassatt). Maybe formal is not right…more guided art instruction, but I don’t want to spend much.
Have you seen Draw Write Now? My little guy really likes those books.
I just bought Drawing with Children and I have no idea what to do with it. Luckily, I have a friend who is an artist and she has agreed to teach my kindergartner how to draw using it. 🙂
Have you looked at donnayoung.org? She has some very basic lesson plans & prinatbles for first grade on her website. I’m going to use them…nothing fancy & truly doesn’t give a ton of direction that I see but gives objectives & some things to help them learn to blend colors, pay attn to detail of where lines are placed & things like that. I’m pretty clueless with art so has to be something my DD6 can pick up even with my clueless instruction lol. It’s all free.
One of Barry Stebbing’s books might be good. For younger kids we have used Baby Lamb’s Book and then moved on to the Lamb’s Book. Baby Lamb might be too young for a six year old though. He also has the Children’s Art Journal which I own but have never used. It has a little instruction at the beginning of the book and then the rest is just blank pages for them to do their art journaling. The Lamb’s Book would be good, but you need to supervise the lessons in the book. These books are available as regular books, but they are also available as downloadable ebooks from currclick.com.
My 6YO DD and 7YO DS love their Draw Write Now books, and I do too.
We also have a subscription to Mark Kistler’s on-line drawing videos. They are more abstract, but he really teaches some drawing techniques that I see them using more and more in their free drawing.
I would too love art instruction with more mediums though. Around here, we have access to some great homeschool classes, but it just isn’t in the budget at the moment.
It is a combination of picture study/artist study/ and creating art. It is free if you have access to the Venezia biographies. Most public libraries have them through interlibrary loan. I have not used this curriculum. I’m just passing on the link!
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