first foods for baby

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  • morgrace

    What else could I give besides rice cereal? 


    veggies, beans.  My current baby doesn’t like cereal (rice or oatmeal).


    I did smashed bananas and cooked then smashed carrots. Mine didn’t much care for food until about 9 months old though. Breastmilk was plenty.


    I also would suggest smashed bananas and smashed sweet potatoes.  Both my boys would never eat rice cereal.  My first was not interested in real food until he was close to 1 and my second was around 10 months.  I agree with dmccall3 that breastmilk was plenty.


    I agree with the bananas and potatoes.  We also did mashed avocado.


    Oh! Yes on the avocado! Great brainfood and my DS loved, loved it!!!


    Here is a great article  

    For my first 3 kids, we did mostly what the article suggests – we gave them almost anything to eat… I did make sure it was in small managable pieces.  We did things like pulled pork, little pieces of meat, noodles cut up, grated apple, grated cheese… for the most part whatever we were eating our child ate.  We did have a few purchased baby foods in the diaper bag.  They started eating like this by about 6.5 months… I did make some pureed stuff for the first couple of weeks.

    Now with all that – my 4th wouldn’t eat anything we tried…. mushed a banana and she wouldn’t eat it etc…. so I eventually bought the baby cereals, and found one she would eat…  then we bought the jarred baby foods.  The store-bought stuff she would eat… anything I made homemade she wouldn’t.   It was frustrating!  The first non-store-bought food that she ate other than mashed potatoes/gravy – was her birthday cake a couple of weeks ago.  Now she is starting to eat like the others did…  small bits of chicken, cut-up noodles etc.  (mind you, by this age the others were experts!)


    Thanks everyone! Baby is 6 months and acting ready to start. I did rice cereal first with my other kids around the same age, but always wondered if there might be something else, it just seems to me there ought to be something with more nutrition (and better tasting) to do at the beginning. I think I’ll try avocado first. Thanks also for the article, suzukimom, the part about starting solids based on baby’s interest and cues summed up my baby perfectly – I’m always moving my plate out of his way!


    Yup, that was me with the other kids.  With my first – he hated the baby cereals… so I did some research, and the article is by the doctor that is an expert in breastfeeding in Canada that I had read when I needed help with that.

    btw – don’t know about in the States… but in Canada the “experts” have gone totally the other way about the not giving babies food that are common allergies…   As allergies have gone up wince that was the recommendation, and allergies are less in countries that don’t restrict those foods…. they now say not to restrict at all (unless there are allergies in the family…)  So you can give strawberries and egg whites, etc.  The only real restriction they say now is honey (because it is a botulism risk)

    Lesley Letson

    I did avocado first with all my kids and they loved it. We didn’t do the “baby cerals” b/c they didn’t like it – a friend of mine and I refer to those as wallpaper paste 🙂 I would use regular oatmeal and grind it in a blender/chopper first to get it more fine and we used that for cereal. I think I moved on to sweet potatoes and bananas from there. For all my kids I just mixed everything together – as they got a bit older and were eating more “real food” I would make “mush” once every few weeks. I cooked a roast and lots of veggies and blended them together – then I froze portions in smaller containers. It was nice b/c I never had food battles with small people who couldn’t talk, and always knew they were getting a complete meal. This came in handy when I had twins as well b/c it took the thinking and extra prep out when I was feeding two at a time. A bit unconventional maybe, and I know it wouldn’t fit everyone, but it worked wonders for us – and all our boys are now great eaters and like a huge variety of foods.

    Betty Dickerson

    This time around, because I know we carry the celiac gene, I am not introducing grains first. With my last daughter, we had an avocado tree and she ate slot of those. She was on mostly breast milk for most of her first year. I would give her mashed veggies and fruit and she was my healthiest baby ever.

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