field trip fridays?


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  • mama_nickles

    My kids are entering 2nd, pre-k and 2 year old. Now that I am out of the baby phase, I feel like we can get out of the house a bit more, and I am planning to do light Fridays this year. I am pondering alternating weeks between nature walks and field trips. What sort of easy (cheap) field trips would you do for these ages? How does one go about planning them alone? I am thinking things like fire station, post office, etc. But I can’t just show up at the fire station, right? I’d love to do a behind the scenes at the grocery store too, but not sure about that. I feel like I read somewhere that Publix is open to doing that for kids?


    I might be weird – but I find that going out of the house with my 10, 8, 6, 4 yos totally messes up our rhythm/routine.  So I only do field trips with our homeschool group (about 4 or 5 each year) and 2 or 3 family field trips each year. 

    Some ideas for field trips:

    post office


    police station

    grocery store

    library (the cataloguing/beind the scenes/research/or a story time)


    have some musicians demo their instruments

    area farmers

    historical sites


    For some places (grocery store, vet, police, p.o., etc.) you just call and tell them you want to plan a field trip, how many students, potential dates and times.  All the field trips I’ve set up have been so easy to set up.  Most people are tickled to give tours.



    Could you get a few families together for field trips with you? 15-20 people would be a good size, then call ahead and make arrangements.

    Also check:

    any area performance theaters for any daytime school performances at the student rate museums


    historic reenactments


    local radio or tv station

    city hall/mayor’s office

    fairs with farm animals, art, etc exhibits

    local lake, state or national park, or wildlife refuge visitors center (check for events too)

    small businesses

    Also great tv field trips are on episodes of Mister Rogers. Some are free on and many more are on Amazon Prime. Great character training for these ages too. See making dolls, combs, sweaters, musical instruments, books, toys, and many more. Go places like Colonial Williamsburg, antique car show, farms, zoos, music & art performances, etc. without leaving the house. Highly recommend.


    How about a field trip to your church? Sometime in the week when the staff can take a few moments to talk about what they do when it isn’t ‘church time’


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