I usually start near the end of August or have even waited until after Labor Day. I prefer to start in August.
The reason I haven’t combined them is because at the beginning of last year my oldest, 12th grade at the time, only needed modern U.S. & world history as he had covered the first half with another curriculum in his 11th grade. My then 11th grader needed to have American History so that’s why we started him with the Early American & world history module. Also, I need & they are used to being independent in their school work.
It messes my thinking all up to start my coming 9th grader in the last history module. Its all out of wack. Oh, and that is what he just studied THIS year with MFW…. I’m used to the history cycle of Ancients, Middle ages (or World history), Early American, & Modern. OR Geography, World History, American History, & Government/Economics. In that order – 9th, 10, 11, & 12th.
And I don’t know how to get 6 modules done in 4 years of high school for my soon to be 9th grader, IF I were to use SCM.
I really appreciate you thinking through this with/for me. I AM stressed. It seems the whole school year is one big stress for me more or less. I’m more of an introvert I think. The interaction can wear me out physically, & emotionally.