Feedback, please, on next year's LA schedule, includes Latin prep.

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Feedback, please, on next year's LA schedule, includes Latin prep.

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  • Rachel White

    I am stuck in a quandry of decision-making. SOme things things clear, some things not so as I want to maintain a good balance of Language learning, not overkill on the grammer, but solid. Here’s some background:

    My son (9 1/2) is in his 4th book of Hebrew; it comes easily to him (sometimes he even teaches his sister so I don’t have to-voluntarily!). My dd(8 1/2) just began her 3rd book. Son is doing 2nd year PLL and dd is starting this week. As for future goals, both will do LAtin and my son Greek after that. My question this year, is how to transition into Latin and make things as easy on me, too. These are my ideas that I need some feedback on:

    #1-I could have both of them do one year of English from the Roots Up or Word Roots from Critical THinking Skills Co. (though I’ve not heard good reviews on that one); then move my son into Latin ALive!, skipping ‘Latin for Children’ while my dd does the 2nd vol. of EftRU since I think she needs extra. **concern-my son doesn’t like writing that much and EftRU requires making Flashcards to really cement it** If there was another program w/less writnig I may be more inclined to do this option or if I should buy the pre-made flashcards, but don’t know if that takes out a good chunk of the learning process.

    #2-I could start son into LfC next year (starting Oct., it has less writing than most programs and is more self-taught), have my dd just concentrate on her Hebrew, which requires more effort for her, requiring my input whereas he doesn’t; then moving her into LfC (if I like it) the year after that. Son would do 2-3 years of ILL by Serl (I already own) during the 2 yrs. of LfC, then he would move into Latin ALive! finish Serl’s and move into ‘Our Mother Tongue’, around age 12. **This is the one I lean towards the most**

    #3- Same as #2, except I have her listen to “Sing Song Latin” (or whatever it’s called) without the workbook; she loves singing and this could be what I call ‘osmosis learning’. Giving her a little of a base, informally for the year prior to starting LfC. **I like this idea, too; knowing how she works well with music like that.**

    BTW, son will start SW next year, too.

    Question: Is it even necesssary to do an English Roots program if they are both going to do Latin and English Language Programs? Not just for the goal of better understanding and help for any potential future vocations, but actual translation and reading of Ancient Lit. I don’t like doubling up…it wastes my time and will drive my son crazy to do something he already knows!

    OK, I think that covers my thought process…thank you for your input.



    Sonya Shafer

    Would it be too much to do #2 and #3? Let your daughter concentrate on Hebrew, but let her listen to the Latin sometimes just as an introduction to the language?

    Rachel White

    That’s exactly what I was thinking when I wrote #3 and the more I think about it, the more I like the idea.

    Do you have an answer to this qusetion I posted? Is it even necesssary to do an English Roots program if they are both going to do Latin and English Language Programs?   My inclination is “no”.

    What do you think of the rest of the line-up; as far as the sequence goes for LA studies? I understand that one doesn’t have to finish LfC Vol.3 in going into Latin ALive! as it would be mostly review.

    Thank you,




    I have no experience, but I decided against doing EFtRU since we will be starting Latin using Latin Prep from Galore Park & it includes derivative study. I didn’t want overkill. Hopefully, this will work out well.Undecided



    sorry double post

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