Each day will include reading, math, and copywork starting with 10 mins working towards 15-20 mins as ability indicates. And a literature read-aloud.
Day 1
scripture memory, bible, pic study, spanish, history
Day 2
scripture memory, bible, music study, character dev., history
Day 3
scripture memory, bible, geography, poetry, art
Day 4
scripture memory, bible, science, spanish, history
Day 5
scripture memory, bible, hymn study, character dev., nature study
We’ll do more science in the winter months. They are also part of a nature club that meets 1x week each season. Okay, give it to me straight…but be gentle! Thanks for helping.
I will have a 6 and 9 year old this year. This looks very close to what we are doing. I’m assuming the reading part will include reading instruction for the 6 year old. I will be introducing narration to my six year old by having him narrate a fable each day. Looks good to me!
One thing I might consider changing is Spanish, I would do it as close to every day as possible. Smaller amounts done consistently is better than only a couple of times a week. Other than that, looks great!
mrsmccardell, I just copied down your schedule, as I am starting planning for next fall tomorrow for my 6 and 8 year olds. Do you mind if I use it as a framework? I have a bad tendency to overplan in crazy ways. 🙂
mrsmccardell, all my children have speical needs and my 7.5 year old is just begninning to read! I’m so excited that your child is starting to read! Thank you Jesus for these special milestones our children get to.
I’m with you Katrina. I want to copy her framwork. Do you mind mrsmccardell?