Can anyone give me some feedback on the Beautiful Girlhood book, the edited one by Andreola? Does it have questioins in it, like the Shultz books or did you use the “Companion” booklets sold separately?
Rachel, dd13 is 3/4 through it. She’s reading and taking some notes and we’re discussing. We have the companion but I gave her the option and she chose to simply read. She’s found some of it to be good and some outdated, but still worthwhile.
I’m glad you started this thread, Rachel. I was considering Beautiful Girlhood for dd9 next year, but I felt I might hold off for another year or two. What you both have said is confirming that. So, not to hijack the thread, but is there another resource similar to Beautiful Girlhood that might be more relevant and appropriate for a younger girl, aged 8-10?
I was planning on using this for my dd’s upcoming 7th year. I am interested to know in which areas BG is outdated. Just curious, as I would want to be prepared to fill in any gaps that I think are important for her.