favourite audio version of Pilgrim's Progress

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  • Carla

    Does anyone have a favourite audio version of Pilgrim’s Progress?  We enjoy various audio books/stories (Jim Weiss, Focus on the Family audio dramas) and I’d like to try a tried-and-true audio of Pilgrim’s Progress.  If it isn’t too much of a tall order, I’d like one that is loved by both young and old 🙂  I have 8 children between 8 months and 17, and ideally, we will all be listening together; I don’t expect the baby to get much out of it, but I do have a very sharp 3 year old who loves listening to stories 🙂


    Our favorite is a fully-dramatized audio put out by Answers in Genesis. It is unabridged. My kids listened to it at age 10 and loved it. 


    Thanks, I’ll check it out!

    Alicia Hart

    We listened to the AIG version last year and even my younger ones, ages 7 and 9, really truly LOVED it!


    Has anyone compared the AIG version to the Orion’s Gate version that AO recommends?



    I have the Orion’s gate, but don’t care for it. It seems forced and not as well done as the dozens of audio books we’ve enjoyed. I haven’t heard the answers in genesis version. I have one narrated by Nadia May from audible that’s good. I also like the one by max Maclean.


    Thank you, Christie, for reminding me of the Max McLean version – we love him!  We’re currently going through his Gospel of Mark on youtube.  Highly recommended.  Wish he’d do the whole Bible.  (Do you think he reads this forum?? Wink)



    I doubt it. I saw him perform The Screwtape Letters last year. It was AMAZING! He is super talented. I know he’s working on another play from a CS Lewis book now.

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