Favorite Talking Books…


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  • my3boys

    So, my oldest is loving talking books, but I am at a loss at to where to get any that are reasonably priced.  Plus, I’m wondering what some of your favorite ones have been.

    We have already listened to:

    The Narnia Series

    Just So Stories

    The Legend of Squanto

    The True Story of Noah’s Ark

    We have Witch of Blackbird Pond, but my oldest wasn’t crazy about it.  We also have Carry On, Mr. Bowditch for history.

    My boys are 12, 8 and 5.  TIA. 



    We love Jonathan Parks! Very intriging. It is about a creation scientist and his family! Has scripture throughout! The dramatization is well done.

    We also love JimWeiss’ cd’s. Get anything of his and you will be pleased, IMHO!

    And we have some Majic Tree House ones as well. These are pretty good. Not as exciting as the others.

    For your younger one, Christopher Churchmouse is great. Actually my 8 yr old still loves these. We have the storybook plus the cds. This is about a churchmouse and his friends. He gets into mishaps…such as lying, disobeying, not following through etc.. and learns his lesson. This is Christian and at the end he always finds out what God says about it. Scripture is noted at the end of the stories along with questions, such as “Why do you think Christopher choose to disobey?” “What do you think he should have done”?

    The reading is done by a one lady. She is awesome! She changes her voice to fit many characters! Great book and cd!

    HTH! Can’t wait to read more replies!


    Thanks.  I will look into all of those.  Where do you get most of your’s??  Our library doesn’t have many that we haven’t already read, but I have found some on Rainbow Resource (Jim Weiss, as well), but they’re about $11.50 or so each.

    I can’t wait for more replies myself.   Thanks again!



    I’m not sure if this is what you are looking for, but we have enjoyed these. Today we are listening to Jungle Book!

    There are other great titles like…

    The Story of Doctot Dolittle

    Five Little Peppers

    The Reluctant Dragon

    The Velveteen Rabbit

    and so many more!


    You are welcome! I got my Jim Weiss cds from RR as well as HS conventions where Jim has had a special. You can also get them at his website..but he does not run specials there. You will be able to see all that he has to offer as well as listen to some samples. I know they are expensive too. But he is doing this alone and once you hear his story, it just makes you want to buy them! He is a neat man! Get them one at a time! 🙂

    Jonathan Parks, I got from amazon. The price is high too..but it is well worth it! It has over 5hrs worth of listening!

    I just realized I spelled magic as majic earlier!! OOPS! :0



    @2flowerboys, have you ever tried to burn them to a CD off of Librivox or any other free audio book site??  I don’t want them on an iPod or MP3 player but for use in the van (my kids love to listen to them if we’ll be driving for more than 15 minutes). 

    I have listened to a bit of Jim Weiss and you’re right, he’s totally worth the investment!  And, I love Rainbow Resource…they have lots to choose from, but I will check out his site, too.

    Thanks again.  I will be looking into all of the above:)

    And, magic, majic, who cares, right??


    James Herriott treasury for children!


    I have not burned them off..didn’t know I could for the ones I listed! Have to check into that! Have burned SugarCreek Gang from somewhere but have not done any other ones!! I found the Pilgrims Progress the other day for a lot cheaper doing it that way.

    Yes, we LOVE listening to these on our drives too! But unfortunately, it has to be without dad cause he says all the talking puts him to sleep!! LOL!



    Love audio books! In addition to those mentioned above, we’ve also enjoyed the Lamplighter Audio’s .

    Check out your libraries web site to see if they have any other services that you can download files from for free audio and e-books.

    Besides the ones mentioned we also use http://reads.lib.overdrive.com and http://www.netlibrary.com/

    Both require that your library is associated with them. They are “Checked out” and expire after 20 days. If you just click on the file you can check out the file again without re-downloading the file. We use an MP3 player to listen to the files because some are longer than a CD can hold.

    Most of the people from the library downloads are from Recorded Books or other professional books that you normally have to pay for.


    @mfurnell….I checked out booksshouldbefree but it looked like you had to subscribe or something…maybe I’m missing something.  Plus, do you download them to an mp3 player or to a cd that you can listen to in the car??

    Oh, and are you listening to them at home, like from the computer??  My kids do not do well with audio at home.  They love it in the car but not at home, don’t know why. 



    I like all of the above and want to add, forgive me if some are duplicates as I only had time to skim the above.

    • Odds Bodkin (he has great story-telling and musical ability). I love his The Harper and The King
    • Sugar Creek Gang – our all time favorite
    • Lamplighter Theatre 
    • Your Story Hour
    • My Audio School (well organized website, much is free, but you can subscribe for more content, this site pulls from Librivox and other sites, but it’s easier to search)
    • The Moffats


    Wow, what a treasure trove!  We will be doing a lot of car travel later this year so I will definitely be checking out all these suggestions.


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