So it’s that time and I hate to shop for anything. I would much rather order things. But as most of you I don’t want to order junk either. I want the most for my money.
So where do you like to order from? Any fun always just the right stuff types of places! My favorite are Mindware and Timberdoodle, but what else do you have? Misty
I just got a very cool catalog from Rainbow Resources today; it is their Christmas one, not the ginormous curriculum one. Also, Mindware, Museum Tour, Bits and Pieces…can’t think of others right now; I’ll peruse my mail because they are certainly coming in daily!
one catalog I really enjoy is Lehman’s. They are a company that serves the Amish and others seeking non-electric products. They have a lot of cool old fashioned toys.
I also order books and calendars for gifts from Daedelus Books – they specialize in high quality remaindered books and music cds. They have beautiful calendars for around $5 – I have a few on my list who get a calendar each year.
WOW I knew asking you would be the right idea! You have really made it easy. And I’m more excited now then ever to get my mail. Some of these or should I say ALL of these sites have some awesome things. I now have to just be carefull, watch for there specials and order away. Thanks to everyone for your help.
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