For those of you with Boys: Have your husbands done any special studies with your sons relating to manhood or growing up to be a Godly man? Or anything relating specifically to the male gender 🙂 I’m looking for something that would be a once-a-week study for them to do (1. for male bonding; 2. to have my husband involved with DS’s education; & 3. Give Mom some downtime to herself)
I think any Bob Schultz books would be great. Becoming Tempered Steel would be another great option. It is a dvd with 3 seperate sessions all related to young men growing in Godliness, not giving into temptation, etc. The speaker Joshua Steele was a missionary to young men in Ukraine. My husband and son watched it together over several evenings and it opened up a lot of opportunity for discussion. They both really enjoyed it and talk of watching it again soon.
I have Beyond Boyhood and I am hoping to convince my dh to go through it with our 12 year old son. I also have Raising a Modern Day Knight(?) which I’ve not gotten around to reading yet. Do any of you know much about it? I don’t believe it’s a study for father/son exactly, I think it’s meant for parents (specifically dads) raising sons.
4myboys: I also just bought the Raising A MDK and finally took some time looking through it last night. Definitely more of a guide for fathers to purposefully train up their sons, though I love how it defines biblical manhood: “someone who rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads courageously, and expects the greater reward-God’s reward.” I think I’ll suggest reading it with my hubby to spark some serious inspiration 🙂
Scoathy: One resource that this author mentioned using with his 12 y.o. son was Preparing for Adolescence, by James Dobson. It is available as a book or a series of audio cd’s. He said they did 7 sessions which included a special breakfast afterwards and they took about 2 hours each. Would love to know what others here may think about this has great reviews on amazon.
My husband does “Little Contenders for the Faith” with our son and several others from our community and church and is also going to be doing, “Father to Son, Manly Conversations That Change Culture,” from Western Conservatory with him as well. He also makes sure to do at least one “one one one” activity with him each month.
Enjoy your mom time, I know I do!
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