Famous Men resource doesnt match the guide

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  • CrystalN

    I was just wondering if anyone else has encou tered this. We are doing the Middle Ages Guide and I am finding the Famous Men assignments in the guide do not match up with the resource in the bookfinder. My Famous Men book has chapters in a different order. My book lines up with the assignments in the guide, but when I go to mark the assignment completed in the organizer I am finding the two dont match. Do I have to re add the resource with my own chapter titles, or is there another edition in the bookfinder that I ak not locating. I scheduled the SCM recommended edition, but like I said, it doesnt match up. Am I just crazy?

    Jordan Smith

    Can you give me a link to the resource you have scheduled? I’ll take a look and see if I can get it straightened out.


    There may also be more than one resource listed by that name in the Bookfinder, so it is possible you may find one that matches your book and the guide.  You could schedule that resource instead.

    You can also make a copy of resources in the Bookfinder, edit them to be the way you want, then schedule them for your use. There is also a button at the bottom of each resource that says “Report a problem with this resource,” so if anyone notices an issue like the OP, it can be reported right then and there.


    This has nothing to do with the OP’s question, but wanted to tell Sue that I really like her new id picture. Books and hens!  =)


    Jordan – here is the link to the Famous Men book in the bookfinder. If you compare the chapters listed in the bookfinder with the actual book or the assignments in the MA Guide they dont match. I hope I am making sense. We just did lesson 5 inthe guide, which assignes “chapter 2 Augustine of Hippo” which is truly chapter 2 in my book. However when I went to mark chapter 2 as done in the organizer  it is “chapter 2 Attila the Hun”.



    Jordan Smith

    It looks like someone edited the resource and changed the divisions to match an earlier edition of the book that doesn’t contain the additional chapters from the Greenleaf Press edition. I just split that edit off and restored the chapters to match the Greenleaf edition.

    To roll those chapters onto your schedule, you’ll need to find the book on the Scheduler tab, then click the “edit schedule” link next to it. Once you do that, you should see a message asking if you want to update the resource to the newest revision. Confirm that you want to do that and the Scheduler will load the current revision into your plan. Make sure you double-check that all the divisions are selected before you save it to your schedule.


    Thank you so much!



    Thank you! 🙂  That has pretty much been our summer–chickens/garden/county fair & some schoolwork.  With a little lifeguarding work & a lot of taking care of my 90yo dad thrown in!

    I used that picture on the front cover of our annual portfolio for review, and I captioned it “The Educated Chicken.”  Got a few laughs.

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