Famous Men of the Middle Ages/Story of the Middle Ages

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Famous Men of the Middle Ages/Story of the Middle Ages

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  • Has anyone substituted The Story of the Middle Ages (Nothing New Press) for Famous Men of the Middle Ages (Greenleaf Press) for history module 4?  I realize I would need to get The Story of the Renaissance and Reformation to go along with module 4 as well.  I am trying to discern how easy it would be to substitute.


    bumping this as I have Stoey of the Middles Ages, do I need to buy Famous Men instead?


    You could. Just divide the number of lessons by the number of chapters you want to cover and read those chapters each lesson day instead of FM.

    I like to add the FM to the comprehensive guide for further understanding of those people – usually my 4th and up crowd.


    Thank you, I did order it anyhow. I think I would really like to try a module as is because it is our first SCM history module we are doing. thank you for answering!


    I am substituting The Story of The Middle Ages & Story of The Renaissance and Reformation for Famous Men this year in the SCM Middle Ages guide. We started the first two weeks using Famous Men and my daughters, ages 11 & 8 were having a hard time following along. I think for them, it was because they preferred to follow a whole story of what happened, and they really loved The Story of The Romans last year. FM will definitely be good for next go round, when they are older. The stories in FM are so long and so much information for one sitting for us right now. We do 20 min of history timed a day. With using The Story of books this year, I am having to do mostly two a day, and five days a week to make it work. It’s a lot too, but the chapters are shorter. My older one is able to follow along well, but my younger still doesn’t like most of it, simply because it’s mostly over her head.

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