We haven’t done this with dad (he leaves @6:15 am and returns home @8 pm–a result of the current economic situation, but we’re just thankful he has a job and I can continue to stay home—ANYWAY…)but the children (ages 17, 11 and 8) and I love “A Child’s Book of Character Building”. We use it as our morning devotions. Even though the title suggests it’s to build the child’s character, I find myself being challenged every week! They see first hand if mom practices what she’s taught!! It has helped us be more encouraging to one another as well, because we can openly, yet lovingly discuss where each of us struggles and then pray for one another and be more compassionate when we fall short. It has been a wonderful tool that has helped our children learn to support one another instead of constantly criticize (as siblings tend to do)—-
We have 5 boys so our devotions are very one sided at this point (now that the girl is here in a couple years that will have to change 😉 ). So for us we are reading Boyhood and Beyond and then the other one that I can’t think of right now?? Dad is home for us, but by the end of the night he is so wiped that I do the reading, which is fine though I do keep praying for the Lord to instill in DH to do it.
I know for us it might also be about something that we did during the day and how we could have done it better or used it in a more Godly way. It could be mom or dad asking them to spend 5 minutes thinking about something to pray about and then during our actual prayer time they get to tell what they want to pray for/about and why. Mind you the “Why” is important because it helps to find out if it’s a selfish want or a good one and we can expand (as appropriate with the age of the child) how to make it a more “in God’s hands” type of prayer. If that makes any sense at all?? LOL
Our family has enjoyed the book “Our 24 Family Ways” by Clay and Sally Clarkson. There are 24 statements of character and biblical values to memorize one a week with scripture passages, stories and questions to discuss. my kids loved it. And it was something easy for my husband to pick up and lead with ..no preparation. It is something we plan to do every year or every other year besides read through the Bible
We use Greenleaf’s Guide to the Old Testament. It’s a wonderful resource and my 11yo dd always asks for another lesson when we are finished! The lessons are short (CM) but packed with lots of learning. My 6 yo ds just follows along in his Bible story book by Vos.
BaileyMom which of the Character Sketches do you have? I have the huge Book 1 or Book A but haven’t used it yet…it seems pretty daughnting (sp?) How do you guys use your CS? You can private message me I would love to know more details. Thanks,
I’m not BaileyMom, but we often use CS, though not for family devotions; I use it for school. In one session, the character trait and scripture will be copywork. If there is time I’ll read the first part (up to the pretty picture 🙂 ) and the child will answer the question, “How is this showing the character trait of ___?” (which I type up as they dictate). Next we do a sketch of the animal, and if I can find some cute craft for the littles (6yo & 4yo) we do that also. Then we’ll read the physical features part with oral narration. Then we read the Bible part and they answer the same question, which I type up as well. Finally, we do a ‘life application’ lesson which I also type up as they dictate. It’s very methodical (it may go against the grain of some), but we’re building notebooks and they enjoy it. Plus, the life application narrations are so precious (and hilarious!) sometimes that I’m glad they’ll have them when they grow up. Also, it’s not all the time. We tend to use about a month to go through one chapter, so we’re not charging through it by any means.
Why didn’t anyone tell me about Character Sketches before? 🙂 After reading Cindys post, it looks like a combo of character, bible, nature, science and art study all mixed in- how WONDERFUL!!
Thanks, everyone, for your responses – I can’t wait for the time to check into your suggestions further.
Cindy, thank you for your insight. I will have to look at our CS again. It has been sitting on a shelf for over a year now..it maybe time to use that. What a great way of incorporating all aspects of education. You are so good!! 😀 We also have the IBLP Achieving Success through Character (something like that)and that seemed much easier to use so I need to get that out again too.
Heather, thanks for posting this question all of these suggestions sound interesting and worth looking into.