Failed to keep up with year and want to start fresh for new year

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education CM Organizer Failed to keep up with year and want to start fresh for new year

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  • BraintreeMom

    I was overwhelmed the last bit of this last school year and got very behind recording school work. Is there some way to skip trying to catch up and just start a new year when we start back in a few months?


    You are asking about skipping the recording of the work you did?

    If you don’t need the reports for anything – you can just remove the resources from your schedule (or edit the resource and remove the chapters/divisions you did, if there is still more you are doing.)

    If you DO need the reports, then you will need to finish recording what you did.  You can decide if the dates you did things are important or not…. (When I started using the organizer a couple of years ago, it was partway through the year….  I just marked off everything we did previous on the few days I was doing the recording… so we had MONTHS worth of work marked off within a week – I just wrote a note on the records that the work was done previously.)


    If you aren’t finishing things from this year, you can just remove the resource from the schedule, and then put in the resources for next year.


    I think you just pick up where you left off with the last year and call it the beginning of your new year. If there were some resources that you didn’t like, replace them using some suggestions from this forum or SCM’s main site. 

    If you’re just talking about keeping records, ask yourself first if it is legally required for you to keep/submit records. If not, you could start fresh this year with the CM Organizer. If so, it’s probably necessary, however tedious, to go back and catch up. That’s why I use the Organizer, even though it’s not required for me to keep records in Texas. I have them anyway, and I don’t have to do much!


    What I need to know is how to start a new year on the organizer? I looked under the account tab and did not see a place to begin a new school year. Is it waiting for us to “finish” the old year first or is there a trick I’ve missed?

    Thanks, though, for the suggestions of how to catch up without having to guess at when we completed assignments. No matter how much I ask them to date their work, they very often don’t. Although I guess I can’t be too upset since i failed to input it into the Organizer. Embarassed



    You set in the organizer what your school year is in the settings. – I haven’t been in that part for a while so don’t remember the details (I am not at my computer).

    You can see your settings… you could also do a report with the time frame set to ‘this school year’ or ‘last school year’ to see which dte you set.


    So, let me get this straight… go in & change your start date to whenever this year’s academic year began (which I did & it now says 8/28), then if you don’t need any of the resources that remain from last year, you just take them out & add in what you are actually going to use this year, right?

    You’ll have to excuse me, my head is swimming (and pounding…..need…..chocolate…..or…..ibuprofen…..) because it’s been a whopper of a few weeks with my autistic son. (I might be putting him into a charter school specifically for kids with autism, ADHD, and such things.)

    I am what you’d call an “SCMO dropout” since I stopped using it back in–oh, I don’t know, maybe November 2012 or something?  However, I want to use it this year for my girls, so I’m trying to dive back into it. I think I’ll have more time to do that once I get things settled with my son’s difficulties.


    Yes.  (Generally it is best if your start date is common between years….  I used July 1st, even though we don’t start school until September, as our report to the gov’t is due June 30th – and I figure anything they do in summer counts for that next year…)

    But yes, you have set your start date.

    Remove the resources you are no longer using from the scheduler.  If anything caried over from the previous year, just leave them in the scheduler and continue with them (not likely in your case Sue) and it is fine too.

    Enter in / Schedule the resources for this year.

    Mark off anything you have already done this year (as you said your year start was almost a month ago….)


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