I have been watching the living and learning DVDs by Ms. Shafer. I understand how narration is carried out. There is still a point that I am not clear upon. For the list of books that are given here on SCM, are those to be all read with narration in mind? Under the literature section it says, that we should be able to read a chapter a day. I would think for my 7 and 8 year olds that may be a lot of text to narrate in the short period of time 15-20 min. My question is, do I require narration on some days, and other days I would just read aloud, and we would enjoy the books that way?
I am bumping this because I have a similar question. I set the timer and read for about 20 min and tell my daughter beforehand that I’ll ask her to narrate when we are done. But, I will usually finish the paragraph after the timer goes off. But, sometimes my daughter interrupts because she is anxious that she won’t remember what to narrate if I read too far. I kind of feel like its distracting her from just enjoying the story. But, I know how easily her mind wanders too so I do want to know that she is paying attention.
Should I avoid telling her in advanced that I’m going to ask for narration? And does she need to narrate from Literature every day? (She also narrates from Bible, History, Science etc.) I was thinking of maybe having her recap what has happened so far at the end of each chapter. We are currently reading Little House in the Big Woods.
NEVERMIND! I see that Cloversue posted this twice and Sonya answered on her 2nd post. So I copied Sonya’s response in case anyone else has this question and finds this thread. So glad to know that we can just enjoy the book together. 🙂
“Usually I do not require a narration for the literature books. I like to have those be family read-alouds that we just enjoy together. I think they get enough narrating with their history, Bible, science, and other subjects.
Some families do narrate their literature books too, and that’s fine. Do what works best for your family.” -Sonya Shafer
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