Excited for Module 4

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  • Betty Dickerson

    How’s the progress for Module 4 coming?  I’m trying to contain my excitement! 


    It’s out! I got my copy yesterday at the Jacksonville conference. Sonya said it arrived just in time to load and bring to Jacksonville and that it isn’t even on the site yet. It looks great, as does the Bible study guide G.O.A.L.S. that is out now and used with the module 4 study. 




    I am very excited as well. I have been prayerfully trying to figure out what to do next year. I like many features from AO, SCM, and TQ. I printed off all of the scopes and sequences and was trying to figure out how I could incorporate them all into our education until the year 2027 (last child graduates). I just about bought the first truthquest guide but did not have a peace about it. Then I was thinking about trying to do the 3 SCM ancient history guides next year and then transition back into Ambleside 2. Still no peace. Then I noticed that AO2 basically starts off at the middle ages. So, I am going to start off with SCM-4. That will be my main and I am going to bring in the world history (leave off the american history) from AO 2 and 3 next year (Yr 2 is middles ages and 3 the renaissance and reformation).

    2011-12 will be TQ AH-1 and SCM-5    2012-2013- TQ Ah2 and SCM 5/6?  2013-14 TQAH3 and SCM 6

    2014-15 TQ Egypt/Greece and SCM-1/2  2015-16 TQ Rome and SCM 3…..

    Then start into the truthquest older groups one year at a time and using SCM suggestions and guides where they line up. The Truthquest older guides line up with AO pretty good so I can pull the resources that I like from there and not use the others.  I love that with homeschooling I am free to switch, modify, continue through summer, dump what doesnt work….

    I am very excited about module 4 as well!


    Oh no fair!!  LOL  When’s it going to be on the site to purchase???  We are partway through Middle ages and I would love to have it to finish and move on to Renaissance!  Please!!!

    Betty Dickerson

    I wish so much I could have been to the seminar!  I’m about 4-5 hours from Jacksonville, but our church had it’s Spring Conference this weekend and then 2 of my 4 children are sick….

    I can’t wait to see this.  I’m looking forward to it.


    missceegee–you must describe it to us, even the smallest details, lol


    I’ve been looking forward to this module as well, i’m considering using it or using my own creation, which i’m currently planning using Planning Your CM education.  


    Middle Ages, Renaissance & Reformation History (4 days/wk)

    Geography (1 day/wk)

    Bible (1 day/week)


    Term 1

    Middle Ages

    Early Maps through Christopher Columbus

    James, Galatians

    Term 2


    Christopher Columbus through Vasco da Gama

    1, 2 Thessalonians

    1 Corinthians

    Term 3


    Cabral through Magellan

    1 Corinthians (finish)

    2 Corinthians


    •  Geography & Bible are scheduled for the same day each week. 
    • For Bible Study, Sonya has written a new Bible Study Journal titled, G.O.A.L.S.  which stands for Grasp this promise, Obey this command, Avoid this sin, Live this principle. 


    • For example… Days 1, 2, 4 & 5 are similar to lesson 1 outlined below. 
    • Day 3 of each weeis similar to lesson 3 below.

    Lesson 1

    • Family: Alaric the Visigoth (Famous Men of Middle Ages); read aloud and ask for an oral narration & point out places on a map
    • Grades 1 – 3: Read together The Sword in the Tree, chapter 1 & ask for oral narration if desired
    • Grades 4-6 : Listen w/ your older children r assign as independent listening the audio recording, King Arthur & His Knights, part 1. Ask for an oral or written narration if desired.
    • Grades 7-9: Read with your older children or assign as independent reading, The White Stag, part 1 and ask for an oral or written narration
    • Grades 10-12: Read with your older children or assign as independent reading, The Lantern Bearers, chapter 1 and ask for an oral or written narration


    Lesson 3

    • Family geography book: read Around the World in 100 Years, first 1/2 of ch. 1 & ask for oral narration
    • Family map drill: Europe
    • Family Bible Study: read James 1, looking for descriptions of promises, commands, sins or principles as explained in G.O.A.L.S. book


    • There are many tips, reminders & BOC dates included, too.
    • It is alike in format to the other available guides and looks to be thorough, yet simple to implement.

    I know this is a very brief overview, but I hope it is somewhat helpful. I’m sure it will be on the site with actual samples soon.

    Personally, I love these guides. They provide the framework for studies and I don’t feel the need to add extra.




    sorry for typos. I’m pecking while nursing the baby.


    Christie, thank you so much!!  I think this will be perfect for my 9th and 2nd grader!



    Your plan is VERY FULL. Each of the 3 programs constitutes a full program and trying to do three would definitely overwhelm me. I don’t want to put a damper on your excitement, but just want to gently remind that more  is not always better. If you’ve prayerfully considered the options and feel like including all 3, then full steam ahead – Laughing.

    if, however, you are like I used to be and just can’t bear to miss something good and are worried about “gaps” in the education of your kids, my advice is slow down, choose 1 thing to be your framework (be that AO, SCM or TQ) and only add in something when necessary (ie. one book is not working in your family and you need a substitute). I was driving myself bananas trying to plan and do it all and the Lord has revealed to me the beauty of simplicity. My  kids are learning lots and are much happier with our simplified plan. I don’t presume that you are like me, but offer this simply based on my experience of being an over-planner and overachiever.

    Many blessings in whatever you choose,



    Kalle – Just want to second Christie’s caution – NOT to put a damper on your excitement!!!  It’s AWESOME that you’re so excited and LOVE, LOVE these great resources, but OH I’d hate to see you get burned out.  I think Christie’s idea of choosing one as a framework and then supplementing where you have time or switching out areas that aren’t working might save you money and frustration.  After using SCM, just LOOKING at AO overwhelms me, but I know there’s LOTS of people out there who do it and do it well, so it must be manageable, perhaps it’s just overwhelming to me because I know I’ll have at least four children and perhaps more to teach or perhaps I’m just easily overwhelmed… Wink   I am definitely a curriculumaholic – I LOVE seeing and purchasing new things, but if I don’t control myself I end up with a bookshelf full of things that we aren’t using just because there’s not enough hours in the day or it’s duplicating something that’s already working well.  If you start with one of these programs as your base (I’m not familiar with all that Truthquest offers so I can’t speak for that) but certainly with SCM or AO you will have a VERY well rounded program, once your school year starts and you find your groove with how long things are actually taking you can start adding extras from the other programs, but perhaps you’ve been homeschooling for a while and already know that you can get it all done?  I guess I was just assuming that you’re just getting started and wanted to see if I could help you avoid spending more than necessary – I’m the budget conscious one, so always thinking about that bottom line.  Hope that is helpful to you and best wishes for a very fun, educational year!




    For the history segment next year it would only add one main book (An Island Story) and then a few books that I may add as free reading in the evenings; or we may not use them at all. I was excited when I realized that our reading in an island story would lead right up to (this yr) and parallel with the fourth SCM module throughout next year. There are some gems that I have found in AO and some books that are a bit beyond my kids (Parables of Nature and Trials and Triumph). I have been drawn to both SCM and truthquest. The thing that intrigues me about AO is some of thier first hand sources in the later years and that they introduce me to looking at some sources that I would not find otherwise. I love that most of it I can see online and judge whether it would be a good supplement or not. So most likely I will just look at thier site for supplements or free reading ideas. I have been enjoying going through their nature selections and picture study as well and will probably conitnue with some of those. For literature I plan on picking  a few good books to slowly ingest (after looking at SCM, AO, beautiful feet, Baldwin Project….) then getting some other selections for free reading.

    I also realize that each year (and throughout) I will need to reevaluate what will be the best fit for my kids. I just like to have a bit of plan in place. I was glad that I could do the TQ/SCM modules in a time frame that would allow me to pull from AO if we desired. I will most likely do what others have suggested where I highlight the SCM sources in the TQ guide and maybe pick a few other selections depending on the year. We shall see though. For now it will just be SCM module with the Our Island Story, A Marco Polo book and probably the Queen Bess book. Later much prayer will go into what to do next. I will probably read much of the island story and Marco polo mapping through out the summer. We are going to move again in a month and then probably three months after that so we shall see. I have noticed that structure is good for our family so I am hoping to do a bit of schooling throughout it.

    Thanks for your warning and concerns. I am that type of person. That is why I am seriously considering what I should do about math next year. I really like mep math, but I feel as though we need to do a page a day to keep on track (175 lessons). Right now I have stopped doing it and am working on mastering the addition families up through 12. They were doing well at the lessons and seem to understand what and why, but they do not have the facts down well enough to do it in a timely fashion.  Still praying about what to do here. I best get going. 


    Kalle –  That sounds like a great and obviously VERY well thought out plan!  I just wanted to say that I think you’re doing the right thing by stopping to review your math facts – it’s SO hard not to just keep moving along, but I know that the math program we use really cautions parents against moving forward until all the addition facts are memorized.  I wanted to write because I’m not sure what you’re doing to review these addition facts, but my oldest dd really enjoyed… ok perhaps enjoyed is too strong of a word, but really TOLERATED reviewing by doing an online drill at Math U see’s website.  It’s FREE and you can pick what math facts you want them to work on – they don’t go up to 12 because that’s not the way MUS teaches addition facts, but they do go up through 9 and might add some variety to whatever you are using.  You can also print off worksheets using the FREE worksheet generator if you don’t want your children online or just want to add some written drill to that practice.  Find both of those things here  http://www.mathusee.com/esources.php  I know that the Math U see Yahoo group also has lots of ideas for games you can play to firm up those math facts, I’ll see if I can find and copy and paste here!




    Sonya, when is it going to be available online???  I am just dying to get it!!!  The suspense is killing me!  Pleeaaassseeee…..

    I like to look at AO and SCM and I pick and choose from both, but never try and use both at the same time.  I have used more from AO now that my girls are in high school, but I do not attempt to do both at the same time.  So for example, we are using Churchill and Paul Johnson’s books for our history and those come from AO, those are the spines if you like and that is what I supplement with original sources and such.  I would be careful loading the plate too high, it is too easy to burn out and can lead to confusion.  If I was doing school with the littles, I would be predominately using SCM – even for the older ones.  I used AO because Sonya did not have her books out for where we were in history at the time we needed them.  Blessings, Linda

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