Excellent article by Anthony Esolen

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Excellent article by Anthony Esolen

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  • RobinP


    This is a fabulous article from the author of 10 Ways to Destroy Your Child’s Imagination…a fabulous book, if you haven’t read it. 🙂

    I was just thumbing through that book the other day at the store, wishing my library had it — great timing! Thanks for posting the article, Robin.


    Correction…the title of the book is Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child. The introduction alone is worth the price of the book.


    Loved this!  I hate it when people come into the library and say things like “OK, nonfiction is true and fiction isn’t, right?”  I’m always wanting to say NO!  Some of the truest stuff I’ve ever read has been fiction!!!!  LOL


    thank you for sharing this article! i have had the book on interlibrary loan and it is due to arrive tomorrow! i have been looking forward to reading it for awhile!

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