Exams – Oral or Written Narration?

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  • artcmomto3

    My 4th grader is about to take her Bible and history exams next week. She began written narration this past fall. She does one written narration per week. I am contemplating having one of her exams be written and the other oral, but I was wondering what others have done at this age.


    We did all oral exams at that age.  I recorded them.  I think there may have been written Math and maybe something else that I can’t remember now? Geography was probably something written along the lines of a map drill.  Hope that helps a little.  If you’re required to keep records for your state, that might make a difference in how you proceed.  Ambleside Online has great exam examples for each grade level.  Use your imagination to apply them to a more SCM approach if these are the materials you’re using.

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