"Every Boy's Library" is there a list of these??

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Living Books "Every Boy's Library" is there a list of these??

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  • morgrace

    I bought a book at a garage sale today, “Scouting with Daniel Boone” by Everett Tomlinson. This particular edition (copyrights 1914, 1931) is published in conjuction with the Boy Scouts of America, selected for EVERY BOY’S LIBRARY. The Boy Scouts of America made arrangements with several publishers to print the books at a low cost. The forward talks about the Boy Scouts “tempting boys to be what they should be – giving them in wholesome form what they want – that is the purpose and power of Scouting. To help parents and leaders of youth secure books boys like best that are also best for boys…” and that the books were selected by members of the Library Commission of the Boy Scouts.

    There is no dust jacket on my book, does anyone know where I could find a list of the other books that were part of this? (Although my husband is an Eagle Scout, these were published far before his time, and he knew nothing about it). I’d like to find out what other books the Boy Scouts chose, neither my husband or myself had ever heard about this particular book about Daniel Boone and there’s a debate about which one of us gets to read it first. Wink


    I’m afraid I can’t help directly with your question…

    but if you are interested in old Scouting Books (not from BSA though) you might like this site!  It has books from Scouts Canada’s old days, and the UK scouting organization – includes many books written by B-P himself.  all free!

    The Gilcraft series of books are great.



    Thanks! I’ll check it out later on. I think Every Boy’s Library was likely literature. 

    suzukimom – are you in Canada? And would you know anything about “Meet the Mounties” by Max Kester? I can’t find a publishing date, but it looks older. I found it at the same garage sale.



    Don’t know if this helps, but it’s a starting point.



    Yes  – there is a full list of these on this website, as well as a guide for purchase with color scans of all editions of the Every Boy’s Library BSA Books! Highly recommended for all collectors:



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