essential oils question

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  • Lesley Letson

    I have a question about the “food grade” qualification of essential oils. Is this a lawsuit prevention qualification, or is it something to really pay attention to? Has anyone researced/had experience here that can help me out. I am going to experiment with the whole homemade toothpaste thing and am wondering about the peppermint oil. Do I REALLY need to seek out some super expensive food grade oil, or can I use regular peppermint essential oil, or even peppermint flavoring? Could someone help me out in clarifying some of the differences please! 🙂 

    Lesley Letson

    anyone, anyone???


    The owners of this company are personal friends of mine. Here is there explanation of that subject.


    Lots of the less expensive oils are synthetic and tell you NOT to injest – I would be very careful of them.  At least a food grade oil is supposed to be cleaner and safer. 😉


    You could contact specific companies and ask about their quality control. I know that Beeyoutiful will answer any questions about their products and take pride in being a full disclosure company.

    Lesley Letson

    Thanks, I will look into them. I have some peppermint oil I bought from a local herb farm, I will contact them too, but when I was there the other day, I overheard them say something to another lady that was some thing to the effect of, “we can’t say that they are food grade” because of liability. What I am wondering is can I use this to flavor my toothpaste? Have any of you used a non food grade labeled oil to flavor with?


    I use non food grade EO’s in food and things like that. I asked a friend (who happens to own sell EO’s) if the brand I have is pure enough to use internally. She had researched the company and said that they are fine.

    It seems to me that it’s pretty much only the very expensive companies who insist that theirs are the only ones that can be used internally and tell you not to use anyone else’s. It seems to me that since they have an interest to protect, that’s not the most reliable source.

    My friend who owns a company that sells EO’s told me that the ones I use (that aren’t from her company) are very high quality and they aren’t that expensive. It’s easier for me to trust her because, not only do I know her, but also, she just doesn’t just promote her own brand.

    Anyway, I’d bet the ones from the Herb farm are fine for putting in toothpaste if she said that it’s just about liability.

    Lesley Letson

    Thank you for answering all my ?s! I will ask them the next time I am there, but I felt like they were fine. What does the other side say the dangers of using non-food grade are?


    If you can confirm that there are no synthetic components and it is on the GRAS or Food additive list, I would fine using it in small quantities.

    Lesley Letson

    what is the GRAS list and where would I find said list and the food additive list? are we talking FDA?


    what is the GRAS list and where would I find said list and the food additive list? are we talking FDA?

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