Every time we finish a resource completely and I click “Worked On” then “Finished”, an error always occurs in my browser (Google Chrome). No matter what resource it is, this happens. It doesn’t happen when finishing a chapter or lesson, just at the end of the resource. Is anyone else having this issue?
Yes @Laura.bora, that’s what mine does too. It will automatically refresh (usually), but still gives me the error message. Thankfully, it records ours as finished too. Just an annoying little issue!
It flashes quite quickly for me…. but I think it is “There was an error […something and I think something about refreshing your browser…]” I’ll try to catch it next time we finish a resource….
I see it also and I will also try to catch it… mine also seems to record the resource as finished just fine, just gives the weird error as the others reported. I use chrome.
What Gem posted is exactly what I see too, in a yellow box, with the “refresh” in blue, like it may be a link. But it disappears so quickly, I can’t get my mouse up to the refresh word in time, so I’m not so sure it is a link. I use firefox.
I’m seeing the error, too. Just reported it to our programmer. The Organizer is still saving the completed work, so you should be safe just ignoring the error message until we get it fixed.