EO's for deoderant and toothpaste

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    What are your favorite Essential Oils for mens and womens deoderant and for toothpaste that is liked by adults and children?

    I was planning to get my first couple of EO’s and want to use them for these to things to begin with.  I was planning on getting Lavendar because it is also recommend for a hair spritz/conditioner that I was going to make.  I thought I could use it for womens deoderant but wasn’t so sure it would be liked by DH.  Though someone on another post said it isn’t the expected lavendar smell, so maybe he’d like it?  I had seen Sandalwood recommend on a deoderant recipe I looked at, but it is so expensive and I would like to stick with the less expensive ones.

    For toothpaste, I wasn’t sure how the peppermint would go with my DDs.  We’ve been using Tom’s of Maine and they do not like the minty toothpaste from them.  I was afraid peppermint EO might be too strong for them to like.  But, maybe the EO isn’t as strong ast the toothpaste is made?  What about spearmint?  Or any other recommendations?

    Thanks so much.  It has been a bit overwhelming for me to try and learn and figure this stuff out.  I would like to know and use so much more but decided I’ve got to start somewhere and then keep learning.  We’re almost out of toothpaste, so I’ve got to get that ordered and made soon.




    Thieves Oil or clove oil are supposed to be good for the gums. If you like a cinnamon taste, the taste is in that family (I think). I haven’t tried it on my kids though.

    I put a drop or two of Tea Tree Oil in homemade deoderant, or make it without any essential oils. 

    Good luck!


    I have used Thieves oil on my gums if I have a toothache – gone and never came back! For deodorant I have not found an oil that works but have used the crystal deodorants for a long time.


    I use Doterra’s OnGuard in my deodorant. I think it’s similar to Thieves oil–it has orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary in it. It really works great. I never smell it on me though. I’m not sure you’d have to smell any oil smell on you with deodorant. Maybe I don’t use as much as other people.


    I use lavendar,lemon and rose in my deodorant, I love it!

    peppermint in my toothpaste. I had used a recipe that called for cinnamon sticks(made a strong tea w/it) and never again, it hurt my gums and my husbands really bad.


    I use Thieves in the toothpaste I make for my husband and myself, although sometimes my husband like wintergreen in his.  My children chose a mixture of Citrus Fresh and peppermint last time around for theirs, and it was their favorite yet!


    What can you use for sore gums? I’ve been oil pulling with coconut oil but so far a week later still sore. I’m starting to use hydrogen peroxide to rinse 4 times per day after meals and salt water in a.m. after coconut pulling. If that doesnt help what else?? I just had my teeth cleaned and dentist said all looked good. She has us use a rinse from walmart called Smart Mouth but that isn’t clearing it up either. It’s one spot on top upper right very back behind teeth and towards where I had wisdom tooth pulled a long timea ago. Not sure why they are sore…I now brush my teeth after EVERY meal to hopefully prevent…




    thepinkballerina: I used to have this issue.  What helped me was brushing less (morning and night), just rinsing and/or flossing mid-day, using a water-pik and using Thieves eo when brushing.  I also take/took CoQ10, extra vitamin C, liquid silica and cod liver oil per my Dnm’s advice.  She would recommend the Thieves, as well.


    I’ve never heard of Thieves. Do you have a place you recommend buying it from? Thanks!

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