I know literature is taught by reading mostly and composition is learned by narrarion and eventually some helps for essay work. Analytical Grammar is the recommended resource for teaching the fundementals of grammar, but what do you use to teach poetry and prose, things such as similes and metaphors, even analogies? Any recommended resources? I have used bits of Rod & Staff for our english, which covers a variety of topics, but I was wondering what a typical CMer would use.
On what age group are you focusing the instruction? For older elementary, we are using Intermediate Language Lessons (Emma Serle) this year. To sum it up succinctly I will quote the verbiage of the product: “The lessons cover aspects of teaching English, including literature and poetry study, letter writing, creating an outline, grammar and word usage, forms of composition, memorization and oral presentation, debate, and dictation.”
I’ve decided to use Figuratively Speaking and Micheal Clay Thompson’s Music of teh HEmispheres series. I started in Building Poems, even though mine are 12 and 13. They are beautiful books. I got the Anthology, too, so that the entire poem of which a portion was used can be read. Youcna see the age recommendations, so you can start rathre young, but I don’t know that I would start before 10. I think building an interest for poetry and enjoying comes first.
My oldest is 14, but just thinking on all the aspects of english…I think I am thinking of testing questions. My children haven’t tested at all, because our state doesn’t require it. I think learning how to test is important, because it is a part of life. Many english questions focus on the vocabulary of english…like I mentioned analogies or metaphors, etc. I was just curious how to teach these things in a CM fashion. Probably picking up a spectrum english test prep book might be enough I guess…
Thank u so much for the input by the way!
I love MCT books we have so far. I will look at the book you mentioned. Also, I will look into FLL again to see what it covers. 🙂
Thanks again,
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