English from the Roots up

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  • EMD

    Hello, I am using this with my 6 year old and play matching games and bingo but I am also looking for other creative ways to use these cards. For those of you who have used them, what other methods/games do you use with this?


    I used this as well, but I had an older child at the time.  We really enjoyed it.  He would make up sentences using the words and I would quiz him on the meaning.  We used it with MFW a few years ago.  I am going to use it again with my younger child and will probably use matching game and bingo with it as well. 

    You could put the cards into a small paper bag, have him pick out a card and make up a sentence orally with the word.

    You could also have him draw pictures of the words.  Also having a “word of the day/week” and look for that word in use out and about. 


    I use these cards as well as a computer program called Word Roots by Critical Thinking which my son (9yo) loves.  The computer game’s premise is answering questions  to build a Roman city.  First you match the definitions to a set of word roots, prefixes or suffixes; then you put those 3 things together to make a word; and the last is to fill in the sentence with the correct word.  When you complete all three tasks you get a building in the city.  My son will usually play the same sort of games with me with the English from the Roots Up cards and makes it like a game show sort of thing. 

    The computer game may be a little older than 6 yrs.  The package says grades 4-12 but I started my son in 3rd grade because he likes language and reading and is ahead of his grade level.  But the premise is still fun with his EFTRU cards.



       Is this a game you purchased? It sounds pretty good. I just love everyones ideas. I was wondering what others ways we could make it more fun. This will be a great addition to what we are already learning… Cheers!!

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