Encouragment in Homeschooling

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  • Doug Smith

    I started another topic where we can start collecting questions. You can find it at http://simplycharlottemason.com/scmforum/topic/homeschool-questions-and-criticisms

    Looks like we already have a good start in the five minutes since I posted it!


    Another idea,is to have prepared questions of your own to ask in return. That is one of things I do.

    Doug Smith

    Great idea ChristyH! Would you be willing to sharing some of those here? I’m sure they could be a help to others.



    I am so sorry your had to experience this. I pray your heart is feeling better today.


    Here are some of my questions I ask if they are asking me questions about homeschool.

    1. Why did you choose public school?

    2. Are you happy with your choice?

    3. Do you feel they are doing a good job?

    4. Are you see the results you would like in your children’s charcter?

    If they are Christian I have even more pointed questions

    5. Do you feel you are able to counter act 40 hours a week of hostile secular teaching?

    6. Are you prepared to defend creationism when you child comes home spouting evolution?

    7. What about all of the negative peer pressure?

    Recently when I was at a Sunday school class for women this past April. One lady said her DD spent Easter Sunday afternoon working on her school project about Buddhism. I asked her if she was okay with that and she said she was. On Easter Sunday mind you. I let it go as she wasn’t questioning me. I only ask my questions if someone is really questioning me. An example I experienced recently was at my boys baseball game. Another group of boys were near by my DH and I and they were taking the Lord’s name in vain and on my boys team a boy was telling my boys about his girlfriend. My boys play pee wee baseball 8-9 year olds. All of this would be a daily occurence if they attended public school.


    Shanna, thank you for your compassion and prayer.

    Christy, the questions are a great idea! Have you ever responsed this way…

    “I’ll answer your question, if you answer mine…”?? 🙂


    I try to do it something like that. I usually try to discern what the asker is looking for. You know what mean, like are they really curious or just trying to shoot me down.


    Christy, I see your point. I can honestly say that most of the questions I get are not because they’re curious – I wish that were the case. Thanks for reminding us to be discerning in our responses.

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