Encouragement for moms

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  • mom2five

    I am hosting a homeschool mom’s night out this month. I have some Scriptures on my heart to share and there will be food too. What other ideas do you have? I will have moms who are just starting out all the way to veterans. I want them to go away refreshed and encouraged. I am considering offering this event bimonthly or monthly depending on schedules, etc. If you were able to attend, what kinds of things would be encouraging to you? I would love to hear your ideas for topics, activities, etc. Thank you!


    I like seeing how other moms deal with book clutter, with kitchen clutter, all the practical things.

    I love seeing how creative other moms are — I don’t consider myself creative, and I rarely spend time on Pinterest, and I like it when I can see how another mom uses ideas/hacks for her situation, rather than seeing a picture on pinterest.  (Like using a wide mouth mason jar for a toothbrush cup – I never would have thought of that — but it’s so practical and easy to wash and cheap and hard to break.)

    Of course, just being with other moms for a chance to talk is great, too!

    I’m sure the moms who come to your night out will just love it!  God bless you for doing this for them!  🙂



    I am new to posting at all but I wanted to chime in here because this is my heart!!!! I love that you are doing this! It’s been a privilege to do the same in my neck of the woods and I try to stick to pointing us to Jesus (if He is lifted higher in our own hearts and each of our homes and thus our homeschools, then it’s a total win already!), enabling some deep belly laughter, and saying a lot of “me too’s” alongside each other. Sounds like you have a simple and great vision already! I look forward to hearing other ideas too but just wanted to affirm it sounds like a great thing. We open Scripture each time and veer off into lots of tangibles for homeschool from it and it has been so rich.


    Thank you for responding, ladies! This has been something I have had on my heart to do for quite a while now. I guess I will have a better idea about how it will go after the first one. I want the moms to feel free to express their concerns etc. and to go away encouraged. Anyway, keep your ideas coming!


    I love that you are doing this for your local group of friends.

    I suggest you keep it simple but you could also do a mini show + tell where you have everyone bring a piece of curriculum or book that they are enjoying this year.  This might help out the newbie moms.

    Most of all just enjoy the fellowship and this time together.



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