Encouragement for Art Appreciation

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Music & Art Encouragement for Art Appreciation

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  • I used to be so good and consistent with art appreciation years ago, but my younger crew has been a bit more hit or miss (more miss than hit, and I’m the stumbling block), so I share this story for encouragement from someone who already knew the value of art appreciation, yet still struggled to be consistent with it,

    We are study Van Eyck this term (SCM Portfolio) and today I asked my elementary kiddos over lunch, with no warning, to tell me about the pictures we studied earlier in the term. They surprised me by going on for seriously 5 minutes describing 2 previous prints (no longer even posted in the house anywhere) including titles, very detailed descriptions about what was depicted in each (and what was missing), colors, tiny background details, and even where the light source was. Even my 4yo came up with a couple of details. And they delighted in telling me about it!

    I was honestly surprised and impressed. 

    Yet another confirmation after 13 years of CM education that this is sooo worth it. And even when it can feel overwhelming to do picture study and so many other “little” things — they really are simple and wonderful! 🙂


    So cool!  Isn’t that just another reason to love the CM style of learning.


    How fun! Picture Study is one of my favorites. =)

    Isn’t it amazing how much they can remember things from the past just because they connected with it in some way? I just love that and never get tired of it. I’m also amazed at how they can remember stuff from Greek mythology because they just love D’Auliare’s book. They make so many more connections than I do. lol  

    But when life is feeling excessively overwhelming, it seems like all too often it’s the supposed “extras” that slip by — even though those “extras” are really the richness that we all love. Hence I’m riddled with guilt when I skip by those in challenging times. Yes, I excel at guilt tripping myself. Wink

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