Elementary Grammar and Usage – Options by McFadden & C.C. Long

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  • missceegee

    I meant to choose grammar as the topic. Sorry.


    I  may sound like a goofball, but how do I access books on google books? I see that I have McFadden Book 3 on my list and when I click it the cover shows, but I must be missing something? Is this a free download? I can’t seem to open it to get inside! Sleepy brain should just go take a nap..

    thanks for any help


    Rachel White

    Do you know of any answer keys/TG’s?


    HeidiS – I know that it’s not possible to download items from Google books from outside the US. Don’t know where you are, but that’s one possible reason. If you are in the US though….not sure. I’ve never had problems downloading things from Google books when Stateside, but always get the same screen that you’ve described (cover and info about the book but no way to click and download it) when overseas.



    So that’s why I can’t download from googlebooks!  I’m in Canada!  Well that’s a bummer.



    How do you search for those types of books? Did you already know the title or did you do a search for something broad and just found them?


    Amanda, sometimes I do a general search and others I know the title. Not much help, I know. 

    Christie, just curious whether you are using the McFadden and CC Long options in addition to the Brave Writer Language Arts resources you listed in a previous post? I’m trying to figure out the overlap (I’m also outside of U.S. and can’t view the McFadden content).

    Is it correct to be thinking that PLL/ILL, McFadden Resources, CC Long Resources and Brace Writer L.A program are all trying to accomplish the same thing? I think the answer is “yes” though maybe with the first 3 you would also add Spelling Wisdom whereas with Brave Writer L.A. probably not.

    So thankful for these posts. This L.A. research could go on for me forever!

    Blessings, Andi



    I truly had forgotten I had the Bravewriter resources. I am evaluating again. Undecided I think BW embodies many of Charlotte’s methods while using good literature and works toward the simplifying that was mentioned in the other post. McFadden, CC Long and PLL/ILL are all old textbooks that are straightforward and do the same thing. No, I don’t think I will do both. I simply need to give the BW materials a more thorough look over and see how I can best implement, if I choose that route. 

    FYI, to print the McFadden books is only $5 or so and to have bound is maybe another $2-$3. If you’re interested, perhaps a stateside friend could do that for you. 

    Thanks Christie! Yes, I could try that, actually if it can wait until December I might even have a family member in the U.S. for the month and able to help.

    But speaking of forgotten resources, I have a similar story, one that now has me wondering. “Simply Grammar, An Illustrated Primar by Karen Andreola was on one of my “for sometime in the future” shelves. I’d picked it up used months ago when I’d only just begun my move towards CM — and now there it sits at a time when I think I’m almost ready to tackle a bit more “formal” grammar with DS9.

    Why does this resource (subtitled “revised edition by Charlotte Mason) never get mentioned on our SCM forum? Has anyone had any experience with Simply Grammar versus, PLL/ILL versus McFadden?


    How do you print a google book. I can’t figure that out.

    Has anyone used these? They seem similar to PLL/ILL but that one would go through 8th grade.

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