Egypt book – If you had to choose….

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  • Sue

    ….between Mara, Daughter of the Nile and Motel of the Mysteries for a teen girl to read as part of module 1, which would you choose & why? She is finishing up The Golden Goblet (which she doesn’t particularly like), and I’m not sure if I want to have her read both of the other books before June.

    We read Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt as a family and are reading Pyramid currently.


    Dd13 is reading Mara for a leisure book right now and really likes it. She will read Motel after. I’m sorry I can’t give a solid recommendation from her.


    Is Mara a continuation of Golden Goblet? I know they are from the same author, but I didn’t look to see if they are part of a series. I haven’t read Mara & only parts of Golden Goblet.

    We are currently reading Pyramid & I’ve read Motel of the Mysteries myself, but I somehow have the feeling the humor of it will be lost on her. She is not a fan of history (sigh….must take after her father, lol!), so she tends to expect her history reading to be serious and factual.

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