EEEEEKKKKK…..I hate to ask this, but……

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education EEEEEKKKKK…..I hate to ask this, but……

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  • amandajhilburn

    Is there a free organizer online that is anywhere close to the CM organizer??? I just don’t have the money to pay for the SCM organizer, but I love it 🙁

    I have seen skedtrak, homeschool inc., and donna young printables…….but I want something more flexible.

    Rachel White

    I have no idea. But I must say, I do the 9.95 a month and I know I would waste that amount in a months time somewhere if I didn’t use it here. If you collect all of you receipts from your grocery trips in a months time, you may be surprised to find that 9.95.

    If you can’t find 9.95 somewhere, maybe there’s a family memebr elsewhere who would pay it for you? The Organizer is so incredible helpful to me (my husband even recognizes it and told me “no” one time when I was trying to cut expenses to not cut this one because of the help it provides me in what I do).



    I’m going to agree with Rachel. If I was forced to choose between this and our monthly Netflix, I would choose to keep this. It’s that worth it to me! Maybe you could do away with eating out once a month, and you’d still have money leftover even after paying the $9.95. Or you could try to cut your grocery bill by $10.00 a month–that wouldn’t be too hard at all! Several years ago, I used to buy soft drinks like crazy because my husband loved them so much. He kicked the habit, and I’m saving at least $20 a month just by not buying cokes! Also we don’t buy anything “boxed” (i.e. granola bars, cereal, pop tarts, Hamburger Helper, instant potatoes, etc.), and you’d be surprised how much that cuts off the grocery bill too. You could even turn your heater or AC down a couple of degrees and save a little bit that way. If it were me, I would do whatever it took to keep this Organizer. 

    Also, I know if push came to shove, my mom or my husband’s parents would gladly give me $10.00 a month to pay for the Organizer if I asked them. 


    Okay gals, I’m gonna talk to my husband today and plead for $10/month LOL!! No, really, I am going to see where we may be able to cut some costs. The organizer is just too good!!!

    Doug Smith

    Is there a free organizer online that is anywhere close to the CM organizer?

    Nope. That’s why we created it. 🙂

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