I would love to know what educational games your family has enjoyed. I’m looking for a game that would reinforce basic math concepts. Also a geography game would be good and any others just for fun.
My 8yo has a game called “Dinosaur Tracks” that he absolutely loves. It is what really taught him place value, although we give a little lip service to MUS. We also have a simple handmade game called Sum-It that we bought from an Amish family at a craft fair that really reinforced basic addition and subtraction facts. Our favorite US geography game is a funny one–the Scrambled States game (the book is great too!) I never really had to “teach” which states are where–repeated playing of Scrambled States put it right in there without my trying. For my older kids, Borderline geography games are fast-paced and tough! We also made a set of our own game, using an idea from the My Father’s World geography curriculum, that we still have and still play. It’s basically just a map for each continent for each player, a set of cards of the countries and pennies. You flip the pennies to move around the map. A die would work too. You have to chart a path across the world to “pick up” the six cards you were dealt at the beginning.
Oh, this is my favorite!! We LOVE the muggins games for math–www.mugginsmath.com . I have many and I had a great time visiting with the creator at the Atlanta Homeschool Fair. They are pricey, but not really for a game that will last forever. Muggins/Knockout combo is great for all the math facts and it is fun too!
Hi all! Thanks so much for the great game ideas! Caroline, do you think that Muggins would be too hard for a 7 year old who is still mastering basic addition and subtraction? It looks like a great life long game and well worth the price….
Michelle, I forgot to mention that I love the idea for your geography game and it sounds simple enough for my 7 yo. too. I may have more questions as I start to implement the game in more detail. Also, I have Scrambled States game on order! 🙂 Thanks again. If anyone has any other ideas for world geography that would be great!
The muggins games are a lot of fun for my seven year old. He sometimes needs help, but somehow the game takes the pressure off. His favorite is Knock Out, but he can play the Muggins game fine also.
We play Muggins’ games after supper if the kids were good during school. They look forward to it and even my husband likes it.
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