Educating the Wholehearted Child by Sally Clarkson (new edition)

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  • heatherma

    I just wanted to let others know about this gem if you haven’t already. I just got it a few weeks ago, and it is so thorough and inspiring and… Do-able.  Booklists, personalities, connecting with your child’s heart, organizing.. it’s all in there.  Takes the Charlotte Mason philosophy and really focuses on using whole books, relaxing into this journey by faith,  and what in the world we are doing this all for.  I can only take little bites at a time and glean what I can this first time thru.  It is definitely the opus of their life’s work. Anyways, inspired to go create little corners in our tiny home for different interests and creativity. Just had to share!

    Yes, that’s Sally! She is a wonderful inspiration, I enjoy the book also. 🙂


    How does it compare to the older version??? I have the older version, just debating on buying the newest one…


    Ditto DebbieB.  I’m inspired to go back and read the older….newer worth it?


    i’d like to know what the difference is between the two as well, i’m thinking of buying the newer edition


    They revised the last edition and added over 100 pages of new material. It’s great!


    Thank you for posting about this book.  Last year we started pursuing how we were going to homeschool our children that are 4 & 5 and the Lord directed us to CM.  I’m so excited to learn everything I can so I don’t feel as unprepared.  This book looks like a good resource and I need to be inspired and give my children the best that I can.


    I just have to say thank you again for posting about this book.  I just got it the other day and what a wonderful book.  What a great foundation to build our home education on.  Glad I am reading it now instead of years from now… wishing we would have had it in the beginning.  


    Here is a review of the newer edition that explains the differences from the older edition.   This book is on the top of my wish list.  BTW, you can also enter to win a free copySmile


    Carolyn, your review makes me all the more excite to be reading this book.  I’m going to pass along your blog to friend that has been homeschooling her family for 10 years and is so drained and worn out.  She needs this book!


    baymoose– I wanted to clarify that is not my blog but I am so glad it was helpful and pray your friend finds some encouragment as well.


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