Easy Grammar Anyone??

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  • greenebalts

    I’m in planning mode for next year :))  I would like to start formal grammar with our 5th grader and am contemplating Easy Grammar.  I have an older edition on my shelf.  Has anyone here used this?  I’d love to hear any experiences, good or bad. 


    Thanks so much,




    It was fine.  I know some people really like it.  I found my son could do the work but didn’t really retain much.  The one thing I really, really liked overall and wish other materials did was to cover prepositions first.  When you eliminate those phrases, then it makes finding the simple subjects and verbs (predicates) much easier.  For my dc, this was helpful. 

    It’s definitely short and sweet.  It didn’t take long to do. 


    We have used Easy Grammar. Our experience has been similiar to  “kerby”. A lot of “grammar” topics are covered, but my sons didn’t retain the information as much as they should have. When it came time to complete the review at the end of each section, they really struggled with it.

    However, I do love that it teachers prepositions first. It helps tremendously to be able to identify prepositions when you are trying to label all the parts of speech. 

    For example, if you had to identify the subject and verb in the sentence below, it could be very difficult because it is so wordy. However, if you remove all of the prepositional phrases, then you are only left with the words “we” and “go”. It is much easier to find the subject and verb with just the words “we” and “go”. 

    Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother’s house we go. 

    I still use Easy Grammar with one of my sons as a supplement. I know a lot of people who use it as their only grammar program and love it. If you do decide to use it, remember that it only teaches grammar. It is not a full language arts program.



    Thanks ladies!  Easy Grammar is recommended on the CharlotteMasonHelp site.   I tried it years ago with an older child and it didn’t work for her, but I think I’m going to attempt it again with a younger child.  I called the company and actually spoke to Wanda Phillips’, the author, daughter.  She said to start with Prepositions and then skip to the back of the book to Capitalization and Punctuation, coming back to parts of speech after that.  I just thought I’d mention that in case anyone else is looking at this program. 




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