eastern hemisphere CM style

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating eastern hemisphere CM style

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  • Benita

    I really enjoy SCM and will continue to use it.  However, my older children did one year a while back from My Father’s World on Exploring Countries and Cultures.  It was nice.  I’d like my younger set to have that chance.  I like Sonlight’s Eastern Hemisphere for this time.  Do any of you do this?  Do any of you find a way to incorporate a nice overview of other cultures while maintaining a CM style of learning and curriculum?


    Have you seen Year 5 of CharlotteMasonHelp.com?  🙂





    Thanks Cynthia. I had forgotten about her curriculum recommendations.  I read her blog for years. I had thought it was no longer available due to the riff with AO. Glad to know I can still peruse her suggestions.

    It is giving me the idea that I could put together our own cultural study and remain closer to CM philosophy and use SCM resources as well.

    Now to decide if I have it in me time manage that as we pack up 18 years and 6 people to move mid July!

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