I am trying to start planning and preparing for the Easter season. Just wondering if you have any traditions that you do with your family. Would love to hear some ideas.
We did the Resurrection Eggs with our kids last year, and they loved it.
We also watch the animated Passion Trilogy each year.
If you watch for The Family Christian Store’s flyer around this time of year, you can usually get both for very cheap. I think I paid $5 for the eggs, and $20 for the 3 DVDs.
TheTeachingHome.com/newletters vol 2 #113 has a wonderful 5-day Easter Unit Study.
LoveToLearnPlace.com/Easter Activities has a neat Good Friday Tomb making idea.
I love this time of year too! I try to make it as exciting as Christmas here!
We made our own Resurrection eggs. Simply save an egg carton, buy some plastic eggs, and fill them with the items. I think there are different versions of the Resurrection eggs out there but here is the list of what we put in ours:
Egg 1: palm branch. We used a small piece of a fern leaf. Scripture reference: John 12:12-13
Egg 2: coin. Matthew 26:14-16
Egg 3: towel. Use a small piece of an old towel or washcloth. John 13:3-5
Egg 4: cup, cracker, lamb. We made a cup from clay and used a small toy lamb. Mark 14:22-25
Egg 5: thorns. John 19:2-3
Egg 6: cross. John 19:17-18
Egg 7: nail. Luke 23:33
Egg 8: dice. John 19:23-24
Egg 9: sword. We used a small plastic sword like the kind they sometimes put through sandwiches. John 19:34
Thank you so much for the list. I will definitely be doing this with my children.
We dont do Bunny Egg Hunts but I think this would be fun to see how I can take the verse for each egg and find a place to hide it and use the verse for the day as a clue.
We have for many years taken the whole week before Easter to celebrate. We have a special reading each night using the scriptures that happened that day (if we aren’t sure what day it happened, we just split up the in between stuff between the days T-W) We often light our little hand lamps from Israel to read by.
We have done some of those fun activities like the Resurrection Eggs and we always like them.
We always have a special meal on Saturday night, a “Jerusalem Dinner” using foods that would have been eaten at the time.
And we always wake the children up on Easter Morning with the Hallelujah Chorus from The Messiah, played full blast. 🙂
We never do the candy-bunny thing during Easter at all. HOWEVER, we do have a “Spring Party” later, after Easter, with all the fun stuff. That way I can get all the candy on sale the Monday after Easter, plus we have disassociated the frilly stuff from the real message of Easter, while still getting to have fun.
These are great ideas. I just read a blog post yesterday about a family that had the easter basket and egg hunt on the first day of spring. She wanted to separate those things from Easter as well. On the first day of spring her kids wake up to an basket with all things spring and they put out their spring decorations and go on a picnic (even if it is indoors). I thought that was a great way to separate the two.
I also read about another family with small children that constructed a paper mache tomb and a paper mache boulder. They took a small figurine and wrapped it in gauze on Friday and put it in the tomb and sealed it with the boulder. They place “gaurds” outside of the tomb. On Sunday morning the children awake to the boulder rolled away, the gauze lying in the tomb but the Jesus figurine is standing nearby. The mom said she had used this to help her small children understand what was really happening.
I would love to hear more about the Jerusalem Dinner Michelle? Why did you choose to do it on Saturday night? I had thought about doing one on Thursday. Just curious if there was a reason for Saturday?
Do you have a fun way that you present them or do you just open one each day and read the Scripture? I am thinking it might be fun to hide one in the morning and have a ‘hunt’ to start the school day/ Bible study.
Easter is so meaningful and beautiful, but it is difficult to come up with alternatives to some of the traditions that aren’t really Christian in origin.
I love the crosses that some churches do…I am thinking you could come up with one at home. Basically, you would start with a rugged wood cross (even sticks or a grapevine wreath in the shape of a cross would work). In the days leading up to Easter, you glue or pin a flower to the cross every day. By Easter, the cross is in ‘bloom’. It makes a beautiful picture of the joy of Jesus rising again.
We love Easter, but the main tradition we have is the big meal! Always ham, bisquits, peas, salad…coconut cake. I am getting hungry now…
We are reading Amon’s Adventure as a family, planning a seder meal and a Good Friday stations of the cross service. We keep lights out on Friday evening and don’t use lights or electronics until Resurrection morning, when we get up to watch the sunrise and worship at the top of a large hill in town. This is our favorite season!
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