Earth Science Suggestions… More Mudpies to Magnets?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Earth Science Suggestions… More Mudpies to Magnets?

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  • Amber

    I would like to add to Earth Science for a 2nd grader. We are currently using 106 Days of Creation Studies for science and A Child’s Geography: Explore His World for geography. Does anyone have suggestions on what could be added to these to enhance our studies focusing on Earth Science. I do remember reading about More Mudpies to Magnets for experiments in The Well Trained Mind before we made the switch to CM. Has anyone used this or have another suggestion?


    We are currently making a trip through this book.   Each “chapter” has a hands-on activity to do and a very short reading passage.  The reading would likely be too old for a 2nd grader, but it would be great for you to read to be able to discuss.  The book is very inexpensive, and it would be easy to pick and choose projects from it to go along with whatever you’re reading about.  We have done three chapters of the book, and here’s what we’ve done so far:  drawn a map on an orange, then peeled it and laid it out flat to understand the distortion in flat maps, cut out continents from a world map and tried to fit the pieces all together into one continent, made a playdough model of the earth’s layers, used the internet to check the times in 10 different cities around the world to help us understand time zones, and on Thursday we will be cutting a piece out of the shell of a hard boiled egg and doing different things to it to see what happens when plates move and how that causes earthquakes.  

    I have never used Mudpies to Magnets.


    No suggestions but I have More Mudpies to Magnets.  It is a book of experiments/activities designed for preschoolers although some of the experiments would still interest an older child.  Each experiment is a page or 2 with instructions, sometimes pictures and tells you what is suppose to happen.  They are not all earth science but more of a mixture of sciency, discovery activities.  If you have preschool children it is lots of fun and the 2nd grader would probably join in but if you are looking only for a 2nd grader I would skip it.



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