Early Modern & Modern history questions

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  • HollyS

    I’m thinking ahead to next year.  DD will be going through Early Modern & Modern history when she’s in 9th and 10th grade.  Is this going to look okay on her transcript?  Most high school students seem to cover these for 11th and/or 12th grade.  I figure she will work on her government credit later on.

    Also, I’m wondering about her missing some of the books for grades 10+.   Some overlap like the Lewis & Clark book or the Foster books.  However, shouldn’t she cover American Voices and Autobiography of Ben Franklin?  Those seem like not-to-miss books.  Do you think it would be okay for her to read them for 9th grade?


    Not to throw a wrench in your plans, but what if you did government and economics next year during the election year and then the two histories the following 2 years then she wouldn’t miss any books.


    I don’t really want to throw off our history cycle.  I’m really looking forward to starting early modern times…We’ve spent a very long time on ancient history.   Medieval history has been a nice change of pace.  With 5 DC, I don’t see how it will line up perfectly for everyone, unless I separate them which I don’t care to do at this time.

    I have thought about just doing a short study on government/elections next year, but I think we’ll wait on the actual government course.   I have no plans to cover economics.  That was one class that never interested me in school.  lol

    Sonya Shafer

    If you think it will be an issue, you can always do a transcript organized by subject rather than by grade level. If you scroll to the bottom of this page at HSLDA, you can see an example of Transcript by Subject List.

    Some of the decision on the books depends on your daughter. Some ninth graders would enjoy American Voices; others would struggle with it. An option might be to select some of the assignments for her to read in that book and skip others. I think the Autobiography of Ben Franklin would be fine for a ninth grader.


    Thanks Sonya!  I’m just starting to look into transcripts, and I’ve heard of going by subject instead of grade level, but had a hard time picturing how to set it up in transcript form.

    I like the idea of reading selections from American Voices.  She is a pretty good reader, so it probably will work out fine.  I’d never read Autobiography, so I wasn’t sure how difficult of a read it was…maybe I’ll read it along with her!

    Jackie Betancourt

    This is a great post, HollyS! I have a few questions about SCM History, especially for the older grades. Would you be willing to share with me? My email is below, or you can send me a PM here. I cannot seem to find where I can send you a message. 😉

    Blessings, Jackie


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