Dyslexia/dysgraphia Update-Any opinions on Barton Spelling and Reading System?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Special Needs Children Dyslexia/dysgraphia Update-Any opinions on Barton Spelling and Reading System?

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  • MariePowell

        Thank you again for all your suggestions for my son who seems to meet all the criteria for spsecial ed, but, in our home rather than public school.  We have followed up on your links, books, and other helpful tips-and just out of curiosity, I called the Special Ed. director for our school district to see what materials they might have to offer.  They were very helpful and loaned us  the first book for the Barton Spelling and Reading System, (they said we could simply check them out as we move along, and they would give any additional help as needed.  I was so thankful to get these materails (very expensive if we had to purchase) that seem to have good reviews from the school.  Just wondered if any on this forum have tried it, and did it work?  Also, the author said that this program counts for all language arts; that is reading, spelling, grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and written expression.  I had already started the Easy Grammar grades 5 and 6, but did have to help both kids a good bit- they seem to get it only if I “help” get the answers with them  It sounds wonderful to me, that this program claims to cover all the bases; just wondered if any of you have tried it. If so, is it really OK to just put Easy Grammar on the shelf for a year (I feel like a grammar drop-out!)  I studied so many grammar curricula and even half convinced myself it was all nonsense- just let them read, write, and; that should suffice. All that sentence diagramming and rules…give me and kids a headache!  So far, the narrations have gone very well… but we are definately limping in then other areas.  What do you think, you are the real experts!

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