DS is interested in cursive already!

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  • caycecronk

    My son who is seven and doing first grade level work right now and using the Handwriting without tears is telling me more and more about how interetsed he is in doing cursive writitng! I know many who write and do better using cursive writitng since it seems to be more natural for most kids and adults to write this way. Wandering if it would be too soon to introduce cursive writing! He is still printing some of his letters badkwards, etc and just HATES printing!


    I say go for it if he’s that interested. I did cursive with my dd during her first grade year at her request (even though this was a year or two earlier than I thought I would). She did really well with it.



    I started my son in 2nd grade because he was so interested that he started teaching himself, and it was all wrong!  I figured learning early and the correct way was better than holding him off and him figuring it out incorrectly on his own!!


    I taught dd12 when she was 6 due to interest and she said, “Mama, this is so much easier. Why didn’t we do that first?” So I started resarching and discovered that until the 1950s (I think it was.), cursive was always taught first. DS9 learned cursive first and has lovely penmanship. DD5 is currently learning cursive. She taught herself some weird way to print, but we’re moving from that. 

    Often, we learn best what we learn first, so I’d rather my kids learn cursive best. Just by 2 cents.



    Im shocked that most public schools don’t teach cursive writing anymore! Most of the kids I see in even higher grades that there print is awful and they were allowed to to learn to write the wrong way. My son really struggles with printing although he has improved SO MUCH over this last year using the Handwriting Without Tears instruction. He has started trying to write in cursive on his own because of how easy it seems to be for him!


    Go for it! We started w/ printing, but in hindsight I probably would start w/ cursive if I could start all over again. (Christie probably won’t believe I’m saying that because I was a manuscript first promoter for a long time! LOL)

    We started cursive last year, and both my kids have excelled. Dd was 6.5 when we started. She had some difficulty at first, but I blame this more on her visual-motor integration skills than the cursive itself. Learning how to print as difficult for her too.



    I think we will do some this summer and definitely get more into it next year. Print seems to be harder for boys for some reason. I was taught cursive writing at an early age and it’s my preferred writing style for its ease!

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