Dr. of Osteopathy?


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  • momto2blessings

    If you see a D.O., could you clarify to me how your treatment/check-ups are different than a traditional M.D.?  I’m torn right now because a couple of D.O’s started a practice in my town.  I’m a very ‘natural first’ kind of gal, so am interested. However, I truly do love our family M.D.  He’s a kind, gentle, respectful man with a ‘natural bent.’ However, still pretty conventional in his treatments.  He’s very good about telling me vaccination, etc. recommendations but letting me make my own decisions on timing, etc.  I always try to do things naturally on my own for non-emergency situations before prescriptions, etc.  Just wondering how different visiting a D.O. really is.  Thanks for any insight:)  Gina

    Treatment with a DO in family practise in this country does not seem to make much difference, a lot of them are just family practise docs who did the osteopathic training for manipulation but don’t use it or are not allowed to use it in their practise, that is why a DO who only has a practise for manual manipulation is the one to look for if that is what you want – for a regular doc I don’t think it makes much difference. We had a DO for me once in the ER when I had a damaged shoulder, he was not allowed to treat me with manipulation and recommended I took pain killers until I went to my own osteopath. If you want a true holistic doc you have to look for a naturopath, but you will likely still need a regular doc with that. Hope that helps, really does not make much of a difference, though their may be the odd exception and they are not so aghast in general when you suggest you would like to try something natural:)) Linda


    My doc is a D.O.! He is great! He does treat naturally/holistic and knows a lot! He does work in the E.R. on his off days from his practice. He told me that the hospital frowns on him practicing as a D.O. there. So he has to follow their “rules” 🙁

    But, in at his office he uses naturapathopic/holistic, and slight MD..mostly the first two. He looks at the whole person, nutrition, enviroment, emotional stablility. He does all sorts of tests that regular docs do not perform or even heard of! He even believes in saliva tests! I highly recommend a D.O….but not all D.O.’s are the same! My friends’ D.O. mainly practices like a M.D. w/ slight lean towards natural. So I would call and ask his procedures or if he has a website..it should state about the practice.

    I have been to a naturopath. He was good. But not as involved as my D.O. He did not dig deeper.

    Can you tell I love my D.O.!! He used to be a pharmacist. He did his research over the yrs and found out that drugs and docs were not all they were cracked up to be. Not their fault..just the way they were taught. So he went back to school and followed the natural way!


    blue j

    Hi Gina,

    Have you read this article?  You may find this helpful.


    So, if I understand Linda and the article by blue j, there likely isn’t too much difference in the treatment I’d receive here in the states than that of my current M.D.?

    2 Flowerboys, wish I had your D.O.!!!  I have a nutritionist I’ve consulted with, and can still occasionally ask important qu.  I go to an integrated health practice for my gyn check-ups, and they do saliva testing, more natural approach to things.  And my M.D. is very non-critical of choices I make that he might not agree with….just would love an M.D. who could give me the knowledge, support without having to search so much out myself and wonder if it’s best.

    Thanks for the replies…guess I just need to find out about specific D.O.’s in the area. And maybe just stick to who I’m with, I do really like him.  Thanks…hope you all have a blessed weekend:)  Gina

    I would just like to say that you need to check carefully before signing up with a DO, make sure he is one that pratices holistic medicine as well as allopathic. Some do and some don’t, 2 fowerboys is really lucky to have one that is excellent and so make sure one you choose is actually practicing the holistic side. Good luck.

    blue j

    Ditto Linda’s comment immediately above.


    Thanks, Linda and blue j!!  It helps to know what to ask.  My fear is switching and not having that much difference in care, but liking our current Dr. better.  Thanks for the insight!  Blessings, Gina


    Gina, just call and ask about what kind of procedures the upcoming practice will do. If they have a website, they should list what kind of care they offer. Don’t be shy to ask if he/she believes in taken care of the whole person etc.. I hope you might find out that they practice the real deal!!:)

    I am very blessed! I have searched for a long while for someone I liked and trusted! Plus, he is a Christian! Woo Hoo! He even spends up to an hour or more w/ me when I go. And accepts my emails w/ questions etc..

    Like I said, my friend loves loves loves her D.O. but he does not practice like mine!! I was so surprised that he was calling himself a D.O….LOL!! Although, he does intergrate minimal natural health.

    Good Luck! 🙂

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