Doug, Sonya… Questions about Delightful Reading

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  • 2Corin57

    If by any chance you read my post from earlier today (Reading WWYD), that sort of explains where we’re at with reading.

    A friend of mine just suggested Delightful Reading to me. I’m looking it over and intrigued. I  like that it teaches things like /ai/, /ay/ as word families instead of a rule that needs to be memorized. I’m thinking given her tendency to memorize words, that the word family approach might be better for her? Rather than teach my obsessive-ASDer a “rule”, and then have to deal with exceptions etc…

    What are your thoughts on using this with high-functioning children with ASD, who need short lessons, get anxious over new material, have OCD-tendencies so don’t like anything new, or that breaks that rule or way things have been taught previously, and who have a tendency to memorize words visually?

    Sonya Shafer

    That’s what I used with my daughter, and that method was the key to opening the world of reading to her.


    My son has ADHD and Aspergers and we used Delightful Reading when he was 5 & 6, and he really enjoyed it. He especially liked building word families using a set of large wooden letter tiles we have. It’s very easy to divide up the lessons into smaller parts to tailor it to your child’s attention span.

    Recently, I kind of panicked, realizing I had done no formal spelling or phonics since he was little, so I bought a very popular spelling program. Unfortunately, it consisted of mastering sounds and rules on flashcards, and my son would have meltdowns if he didn’t immediately “master” the flashcards on the first try. Way too much stress! Plus, I kept finding myself thinking of all the exceptions to their rules, and how often the common pronunciations of vowels have nothing to do with the neat and tidy phonemes on a flashcard! We stopped halfway through the book.


    I like the spelling kit from  It includes phonics in a different way,  and doesn’t teach rules.  They study all of the spellings for one sound at once, which you can present in smaller chunks if needed.  They use memory aids.

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