Double Digit Multiplier in Elementary Arithmetic book 2

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  • Meaghan Mulhall

    Hello all! We are on our last few lessons before breaking for the holidays, and my girls and I are a little stumped with the lesson before the multiplication table for 4 with the double digit multiplier. I have watched the video as teacher prep over a couple of times, and my girls are stuck when it comes to multiplying a double digit multiplicand with a double digit multiplier, and I find I am slipping into a bad habit of over explaining to try get the concept across. The girls love Elementary arithmetic, and this has been the only spanner in the works so far, they were both very discouraged today in not understanding it, so we quickly moved to mental math and finished in a positive note, but I would love any other ideas or visuals please to present the topic in a way that respects their person and is in line with the CM math philosophy. I believe this is only touched upon and is expounded upon in book 3, so would it be wrong to leave it for now and continue on with the tables we have remaining? Thank you kindly for reading, and Merry Christmas.

    Meaghan Mulhall

    And I did a bit of a deeper search in the forum, and found this from Richele…

    “In Book 2 longer multiplication is taken somewhat experimentally. We’ll continue in Book 3 and Book 4. 💡moments are hard to predict but we want the children to have chances to meet with this idea. Some suggestions: 1) each time, break larger problems down into two unrelated problems (one multiplying the units and the next, multiplying by the 2 tens). Next, add your answers (products) as an addition problem. Now, take the larger problem and see if she knows how to work it.2) You might go to page 243 and work the lesson on “multiplying by 10, 100, 1000” then come back to where you left off.3) Or, touch on the simpler problems in this section of table work, and then circle back to the others as experience increases while the ideas germinate.4) If multiplication by 2 is providing plenty to digest, you may take time and camp out on the table a bit more before heading further up and in. Hoorah for SCM providing 2 bookmarks.

    Let me know if these suggestions help and  how it goes.



    Going to give this a go, (thank you Richele!), but if anyone else has some other ideas just in case, I am all ears!😊

    Richele Baburina

    Hi, Meaghan, and Merry Christmas to you, too!

    It sounds like you’re all doing a wonderful job. Feel free to continue on with the remaining tables and not leave your girls frustrated. They’ll have plenty of time and opportunity to digest this information as you move ahead. You can revisit briefly to see if any ideas take hold or visit the 10s, 100s multiplication early after entering Book 3.

    Enjoy your break and this beautiful time of Advent!

    Meaghan Mulhall

    Dear Richele,

    Thank you for your prompt response, and kind words, I really appreciate it! Your suggestions are very helpful moving forward. Praying for a peaceful Advent, and restful break, for you, and your family.
    warmest regards,


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